Kurdistan Region Legislation Database
The Kurdistan Region searchable legislation database, in Kurdish and Arabic, includes the laws, resolutions and amendments enacted by the Kurdistan Parliament, repealed legislation, as well as the regulations issued by the KRG Council of Ministers. It also contains the drafts of the Kurdistan Constitution, and sets out the resolutions and decisions made by Parliament at the different stages of writing the draft Constitution. For Iraqi federal laws, the Kurdistan Region database links to the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council's legislation depository.

The Kurdistan Parliament has 111 members elected by popular vote every four years. Sixteen parties and lists are in the current term that began in November 2018...

Parliament Committees
The Kurdistan Parliament's 19 standing committees work on a wide range of policy areas. Committees are the backbone of Parliament's work...

The Kurdistan Region searchable legislation database, in Kurdish and Arabic, includes the laws, resolutions and amendments enacted by the Kurdistan Parliament, as well as...

Watch sittings
Sittings are available to watch live or recorded at Kurdistan Parliament's YouTube channel.