Beriwan Faqe Esmael Basu (Independent)

Personal Information
Note: Beriwan Faqe Ismael became a Member of Parliament on 15th March 2023, under the next-in-line system used to replace MPs who resign. She replaced an MP who resigned from the Kurdistan Islamic Union, but joined Parliament as an independent MP.
Name | Beriwan Faqe Esmael Basu |
Surname | Beriwan Harki |
Nationality | Kurd |
Religion | Muslim |
Date & Place of Birth | 1986, Kani Qirzhala, Erbil |
Residency | Akre |
Education | Intermediate School |
Independent |
Committee Membership
Previous career
Member of Kurdistan Islamic Union Party (KIU) |
E-mail: 07514901091