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Saed Muhammad Saed

Personal Information

Name Saed Muhammad Saed
Surname Saed Masifi
Nationality Kurd
Religion Muslim
Date & Place of Birth  1.7.1970, Galiawa, Pirmam
Residency Erbil
Education Military Graduate , Qalachwalan


Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)

Committee Membership

The Committee of Internal Affairs, Security, and local councils

Previous career

  1. Head of Disable Peshmerga Subbranch, Erbil   
  2. Member of Secretariat of Disable Peshmerga Community From Sanger   
  3. Member of PUK's 6th Subbranch, Soran
  4. Head of Political Arrangement Subbranch, Shaqlawa



Telephone07701535884 - 07504521970