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Speaker Rewas Faiq visits Raparin Administration to look into Coronavirus measures and impact

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 15 April visited Raparin Administration and met with its head Hiwa Qereni and other officials, to discuss the impact of the Coronavirus containment measures and the healthcare and economic needs of Raparin.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq visits Soran and Khalifan to discuss Coronavirus impact and measures

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and several MPs on 13 April visited Soran district and Khalifan sub-district to discuss the impact of the Coronavirus, and were welcomed by the Mayor of Soran Kirmanj Izzat.

Kurdistan Parliament sends best wishes to Yazidis on Charshama Sur, Yazidi New Year

The Kurdistan Parliament Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Religious Affairs Committee sent their best wishes to Yazidis for Charshama Sur, the Yazidi New Year.

Speaker Rewas Faiq and MPs visit Chamchamal to honour Anfal victims

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, accompanied by several MPs and Governor of Slemani Haval Abubakir, on 14 April laid flowers on the grave of a victim of the Anfal operations in the town of Chamchamal.

Speaker Rewas Faiq visits Koya to look into Coronavirus containment measures

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, accompanied by MPs and the Chief of Parliament’s Diwan, on 14 April visited Koya to look into the Coronavirus containment measures there and their impact.

Interior Committee discusses Coronavirus and security incidents

Members of Kurdistan Parliament’s Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee on 13 April held a meeting online to discuss the Ministry of Interior’s Coronavirus containment policy and several security incidents.

Kurdistan Parliament’s message on 32nd commemoration of the Anfal in Garmian

On 13 April the Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament and the Martyrs Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee conveyed messages on the 32nd commemoration of the genocidal Anfal operations in Garmian.

Speaker Rewas Faiq and Duhok Governorate officials discuss frontline workers' Coronavirus containment efforts

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 9 April visited Duhok to meet the Governor Farhad Atrushi, governorate officials and the head of the provincial council. They discussed more support for the frontline employees who are working tirelessly to counter the spread of Coronavirus and maintain security.

MPs look into events that led to death of newborn baby from Balisan

Several Members of the Kurdistan Parliament on 12 April met with Governor of Erbil Firsat Sofi and staff of Erbil Maternity Hospital to look into the tragic death of a newborn child from Balisan subdistrict.

Parliament committees condemn rape of woman with disabilities in Kirkuk governorate

Three committees of the Kurdistan Parliament on 10 April issued the following joint statement condemning the rape of a women with disabilities in the town of Prde in Kirkuk governorate.