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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami thanks Germany's outgoing Consul General Barbara Wolf

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 18 May thanked Germany's departing Consul General Ms. Barbara Wolf for her support and friendship with Kurdistan Region. Mr. Hawrami and Ms. Wolf discussed the Coronavirus containment measures, ISIS movements and political developments in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Christian and Turkmen parties' MPs meet with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani

Kurdistan Parliament MPs and government ministers from Christian and Turkmen parties on 17 May met with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani. Everyone at the meeting stressed that ethnic and religious component's important role and place in Kurdistan's politics and administration must be protected.

Committees' recent meetings - 17 May 2020

The Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area discussed the crime of deliberately setting on fire Kurdish farmers' production. The Legislative Committee prepared their final report on the draft resolution to exceptionally extend the deadline for MPs to submit legislative proposals, to compensate for the delays caused by Coronavirus.

Parliament’s Presidency congratulates teachers on 58th anniversary of Kurdistan Teachers Union

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Secretary congratulated Kurdistan Teachers Union on their anniversary, and hoped for an end to the current economic challenges so that teachers' livelihoods can be improved.

Congratulatory message from Speaker of Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on Kurdish Language Day

"Language is the identity of any nation, and we must make every effort to promote the Kurdish language. The Kurdistan Parliament, as its duty, passed the Official Languages Law in 2014 and uses all its legal powers to develop our language."

Deputy Speaker Hawrami honours memory of Layla Qassim

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami conveyed the following message to honour the memory of Layla Qassim, a hero of the Kurdish struggle for rights who was executed by the Iraqi Ba'ath regime in 1974:

Deputy Speaker Hawrami conveys best wishes to Yazidis on 27th anniversary of Lalish Cultural Centre

"The centre has served the Yazidis culturally and socially over the years, and we hope that in the future it will work for peaceful coexistence between all the diverse religious and ethnic communities in Kurdistan." 

Speaker Rewas Faiq congratulates Iraq’s new Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi

"We are aware of the challenges that you have inherited from the government at this juncture, and we expect you to work to establish justice and democracy and to lay the groundwork for building understanding and achieving reconciliation."

Parliament's Health Committee conveys best wishes on International Nurses Day, calls for better livelihoods and training

On International Nurses Day, Parliament's Health Committee called on the government to improve nurses' livelihoods and provide them with more training opportunities. 

On International Nurses Day Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanks nurses in Kurdistan and worldwide for combating Coronavirus

Deputy Speaker Hawrami on International Nurses Day: "In these difficult times, nurses, in collaboration with other healthcare workers and security forces, carry the heavy responsibility of protect people's lives, and they have cared for people with compassion."