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Committee on Protection of Women's Rights holds Women's Support Network meeting

Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Protection of Women’s Rights on 25 February held a meeting with NGOs, the UNFPA, consuls and KRG officials on amending the domestic violence law and other areas of cooperation.

Secretary Kahveci speaks at conference on rights of ethnic and religious communities

The Secretary of the Kurdistan Parliament Muna Kahveci on 24 February spoke at a conference on ‘Evaluating the Rights of Communities in Kurdistan’, organised by Heartland Alliance and the Consulate General of the Netherlands.

Speaker Rewas Faiq participates in three Kurdistan presidencies meeting on Iraqi government formation

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 24 February participated in a meeting of the three presidencies of Kurdistan and political party leaders, to discuss Kurdistan's recent talks with Baghdad on the formation of the next Iraqi cabinet.

Statement by Kurdistan’s three presidencies and heads of political parties on Iraqi government formation

Kurdistan Region’s three presidencies and heads of Kurdistan’s political parties met on 24 February to discuss the outcome of the recent talks on the formation of the next Iraqi cabinet. They issued the following statement on their conclusions:

Speaker Faiq welcomes Kurdish politician Osman Baydemir

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 23 February welcomed Mr. Osman Baydamir, the leading Kurdish politician.

Kurdistan Parliament honours victims of the Anfal genocide in Jafati Valley

22 February - Two MPs of the Kurdistan Parliament participated in the 32nd commemoration of Anfal genocide in Doli Jafati (the Jafati Valley). MPs Mr. Osman Sedari (PUK) and Mr. Abubakir Haladani (KIU) represented Parliament at the remembrance ceremony.

Committees' recent meetings - 23 February 2020

After ISIS's recent killings of civilians near Kirkuk, Kurdistan Parliament's committee calls for Peshmerga forces to return to the area and fill the security vacuum. The Integrity Committee in looking into corruption cases in Ranya and Slemani that are being investigated by the Integrity Commission.  

Parliament’s Presidency conveys best wishes to Yazidis on Feast of Khidr Elias

On the Feast Khidr Elias after the period of fasting, the Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament conveyed their best wishes to Yazidis in the following message:

Speaker Rewas Faiq welcomes Governor of Halabja Azad Tofiq

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 18 February welcomed the Governor of Halabja Azad Tofiq and Deputy Governor Kawa Ali. She pledged that Parliament will look into and follow up on Halabja's complaints and requests.

Committees' recent meetings - 20 February 2020

The Legislative Committee are looking into tax collection to contribute to the investment budget and development, while ensuring that tax rates do not lead to flight of capital. The Culture Committee is pressing for journalists' work to be counted in their years of government service.