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Committees' recent meetings - 4 February 2020

The Culture Committee continues to look into the expenditure for Erbil as the 2014 tourism capital; the Women's Rights committee and the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs discussed how to coordinate their work to protect women's rights.

Parliament committee announce their findings on the death of Majid Brahim

The Kurdistan Parliament committee that was formed to look into the death of Majid Brahim (also known as Majid Haruty), who died while detained by Erbil Security, presented the following findings on the case on 30 January:

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Kuwait Consul General Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2 February met with Kuwait’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi. The Consul General said that Kurdistan Region is a good model for rest of Iraq to follow.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Sweden’s Ambassador to Iraq Lars Ronnås

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 2 February welcomed Sweden’s new Ambassador to Iraq Lars Ronnås, on his first visit to the Kurdistan Parliament. Ambassador Ronnås said that the recently passed Reform Law is very encouraging and goes to the heart of public management.

Secretary Kahveci visits Workers and Toilers Party to congratulate them on 25th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 1 February 2020 visited the Kurdistan Workers and Toilers Party office to congratulate the members on the party’s 25th anniversary.

Parliament’s Presidency conveys best wishes to Yazidis on 40 Days of Winter Festival

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency conveys best wishes to Yazidis in Kurdistan and the world on 40 Days of Winter Festival, in the following message.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Secretary Kahveci remember victims of 1st February 2004 terrorist attacks

On the day of remembrance for the victims the 1st February 2004 twin terrorist attacks in Erbil 16 years ago, Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Secretary Kahveci and MPs attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial to the victims.

MPs debate financial dues owed to Kurdistan's farmers

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 30th January chaired the final sitting of the autumn session, at which MPs debated the financial dues owed to farmers in the Kurdistan Region. KRG Agriculture Minister Begard Talabani and Trade Minister Kamal Muslim answered questions from the MPs. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with France’s Consul General Olivier Decottignies

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 30 January met with Mr. Olivier Decottignies, France’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region. The French Consul General congratulated Kurdistan Parliament on passing the Reform Law, saying that carrying out reform is challenging in most countries.