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Deputy Speaker Hawrami visits Kurdistan Toilers Party political bureau

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 3 December visited the political bureau of the Kurdistan Toilers Party to congratulate them on their recent tenth congress.

Secretary Muna Kahveci welcomes UN anti-corruption adviser Mr. Anwar Tunesi

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 3 December welcomed Mr. Anwar Tunesi, United Nations Adviser on combating corruption, with staff from the Kurdistan Region Integrity Board.

Parliament’s Presidency chairs meeting of new Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

The Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, with Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci, chaired a meeting with MPs of the newly established Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq chairs seminar on Protection of Domestic Products Bill

Speaker Faiq: "Kurdistan Region should not rely solely on oil revenues...this is part of the Kurdistan Regional Government’s manifesto and Parliament supports this policy."

Committees’ recent meetings – 3 December 2019

In recent meetings, committees looked at the Kurdistan Region Presidency's reasons for returning a recently passed law to Parliament for revisions, and at problems with water meters. The Higher Education Committee visited Soran University.  

Order of business for 4 December: Readings of bills

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Wednesday 4th December 2019 – the eighth ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the first year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term.

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq welcomes renowned Turkish writer Dr. İsmail Beşikçi

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 1 December welcomed Dr. İsmail Beşikçi, the renowned Turkish writer and sociologist.

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker calls MPs to sitting on Wednesday 4 December at 11am

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq calls all Members of Parliament to an ordinary sitting on Wednesday 4th December, at 11am.

Speaker Rewas Faiq receives Russia's Consul General Oleg Levin

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 1 December met with Mr. Oleg Levin, Russia’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region. Dr. Faiq and Mr. Levin discussed the current situation in Iraq and the Middle East, the role of Kurdistan in the region, and the plight of Kurdish refugees from Rojava. 

Committees’ recent meetings – 1 December 2019

The Integrity Committee is looking into the misappropriation of 261 million dinars by the former head of Akre College of Education; the Energy Committee discussed the Iraqi government's insufficient allocation of heating kerosene for families in Kurdistan Region.