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Summary of Committees’ recent meetings – 21 October 2019

In recent meetings Kurdistan Parliament's committees worked on these bills (draft laws): Bill on patients' rights and responsibilities; bill on illegally taken or used land in municipalities; and a bill on adopting in the Kurdistan Region Iraq’s Law No. 9 of 2006 on the import and sale of petroleum products.  

Swedish MPs discuss launching international campaign against Turkey’s military operations in Rojava, Western Kurdistan

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci on 20 October met with Member of the European Parliament Evin Incir, and Member of the Swedish Parliament Mr. Kadir Kasirga.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci speaks at conference on women's quota system in Iraq

The Secretary of the Kurdistan Parliament Muna Kahveci on 17 October participated in a special conference on the system of having minimum quotas for women in certain institutions and organisations, such as the Kurdistan Parliament. The conference was organized by the NGO Open Think Tank, at Saad Abdullah Palace Conference Hall. 

Foreign Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee meet with Head of KRG Foreign Relations

On 17 October Parliament's Committee on Foreign Relations and the Kurdish Diaspora led by chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP) met with Minister Safeen Dizayee, the Kurdistan Regional Government's Head of the Department of Foreign Relations (DFR).  

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq speaks at conference on quota systems in Iraq

Speaker Faiq said that the conference was a good opportunity to talk about Kurdistan's experience of the women’s quota system and how to make it a success. She said that after 2003, the system had a very positive impact on the political situation in all of Iraq.

Statement by Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee on death of two journalists and their young son

The Kurdistan Parliament’s Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee made the following statement on the tragic death of two journalists and their young child: Amanj Babani, Lana Muhammad, and their son Hano:

EU Ambassador to Iraq: We are ready to build ties between European Parliament and Kurdistan Parliament

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 16 October welcomed the European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Martin Huth. 

The Speaker briefed Ambassador Huth on the parties in Kurdistan Parliament, saying that the Kurdistani people first voted for the Kurdistan Parliament in 1992 in Iraq’s first ever free and fair election, and the Parliament was later officially recognized by the Iraqi Constitution in 2005 and became one of the constitutional institutions in the Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes new Head of Canada's Embassy Office Ms. Ashley Durec

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 16 October welcomed Ms. Ashley Durec, Head of Canada’s Embassy Office in Erbil. They discussed the need for the war in Rojava to stop immediately and the problems to be resolved through dialogue. They also discussed the talks between Baghdad and Erbil to reach an agreement on outstanding issues. 

Speaker Rewas Faiq and North Rhine-Westphalia Deputy Prime Minister Joachim Stamp discuss Rojava and situation of IDPs and refugees

Speaker Faiq briefed Deputy Prime Minister Stamp of North Rhine-Westphalia on the current situation in Rojava and the war that has killed civilians and forced many thousands of them to flee. She said that in recent days, some of them have reached the Kurdistan Region and are now settled in camps as refugees. The risk that thousands of ISIS prisoners escaping from Rojava prisons remains a major threat to Kurdistan's borders, Dr. Faiq said.

Kurdistan Parliament MPs vote in 12 recommendations on the situation in Rojava, Western Kurdistan

The Kurdistan Parliament on 15 October held a sitting to call for an immediate halt to the military attacks on Rojava, Western Kurdistan. The head of each parliamentary block asked that the military attacks stop immediately and all were deeply concerned for civilians, the humanitarian situation, the threat to security and stability, and the revival of ISIS and other terrorist groups. Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq read the 12 recommendations agreed by the parliamentary blocks, which were passed by an overwhelming majority of MPs, 96 out of 97 present.