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Speech by Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on second anniversary of Kurdistan Independence Referendum

"The siege and the political, military, economic consequences of holding the referendum and were difficult for Kurdistan. The effects of the referendum continue, through the attempts to decrease the constitutional powers of Kurdistan Region’s institutions. But in the end, the right to self-determination remains one of the legitimate rights of peoples. International treaties have affirmed this legitimate right of all peoples. We ask God to protect the Kurdistan Region and our people, and to preserve our institutions so that we may continue to serve all the people of Kurdistan."

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets Iraqi Council of Representatives’ Sports and Youth Committee members

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 25 September welcomed MPs from the Iraqi Council of Representatives’ (ICOR) Sports and Youth Committee, led by its chair Mr. Abbas Alewi. The ICOR committee visited Kurdistan Parliament after recent agreements to strengthen relations, coordination and mutual support between the committees of the Kurdistan Parliament and of the ICOR.  

Order of business for 29 September: MPs to vote on amendments to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of today, Sunday 29th September at 11am: MPs will vote on first amendments to Parliament's Internal Rules of Procedure, per Articles 90, 91, 93, 96, 97 and 125 of the Internal Rules of Procedure.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets Iraq’s Finance Minister Dr. Fuad Hussein in Baghdad

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 28 September in Baghdad met with Iraq’s Minister of Finance, Dr. Fuad Hussein. Mr. Hawrami outlined the current political and economic situation in the region, and bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi government.

Summary of committees' recent meetings – 26 September 2019

The Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee met civil society groups from Koya and Garmian who said that  a high board should be established to tackle narcotics on many fronts and to help drug addicts to recover. They also met with MPs from the Iraqi Council of Representatives' Sports and Youth Committee and discussed the problems between the Iraqi and Kurdistan Olympic committees. The environment committee discussed the problem of disposal of medical items and medical waste. 





Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami speaks at Economic and Security Forum in Baghdad

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 27 September said that Iraq and Kurdistan Region can together act as a bridge between different state and non-state actors in the Middle East, and help to promote regional convergence. He also said that Baghdad and Kurdistan Region have reached a good understanding in their talks on pending issues. He made the speech at the Al Rafidain Center for Dialogue’s Economic and Security Forum in Baghdad.

Summary of committees' recent meetings - 25 September 2019

The Integrity Committee went to Garmian and met the investigating judge for the Integrity Board who discussed the challenges of anti-corruption cases. The Head of Ninevah’s Provincial Council, Mr. Saido Chato, explained the problems facing people from Shingal and Zumar to the Committee on Kurdistan Areas outside the KRG Administrative area. 

Kurdistan Parliament MPs take part in workshop on human rights

To build the Kurdistan Parliament’s capacity and support MPs in their work, on 23 September MPs participated in a workshop on human rights. The workshop was run by UNAMI’s Human Rights Office together with Parliament’s Research Centre.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes Kurdistan Islamic Union leadership members

Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 23 September welcomed the Head of the Kurdistan Islamic Union's (KIU) Political and Public Council, Mr. Khalil Ibrahim, and several members of the party’s leadership. They discussed the need for a unified approach by all political forces to ensure that Kurdistan Region's constitutional rights are upheld and to best serve the people of Kurdistan.  

Legislative Committee prepares report on amendments to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 23 September chaired a meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee on preparing a report for the second reading of first amendments to Kurdistan Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure. At the second reading which will take place on 25 September, MPs will debate and give their opinions and suggestions on the proposed amendments.