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Order of business for 25 September: 2nd anniversary of Independence Referendum; amendments to Internal Rules

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Wednesday 25th September at 11am - the second sitting of the autumn session of the first year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci meets Turkish-Iraqi Industrialists and Businessmen Association

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 22 September met with Mr. Nawaf Clij, the head of the Turkish-Iraqi Industrialists and Businessmen Association and several of the association’s members. The association said that Kurdistan Region's security and stability make it attractive to companies, and they hope to strengthen ties with Kurdistan Region.

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker calls MPs to sitting on 25th September, 11am

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq calls all Members of Parliament to an ordinary sitting on Wednesday 25th September, at 11am. Parliament's Presidency will announce the order of business for the sitting soon.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs congratulate Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union on 49th anniversary

On the 49th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Islamic Scholars Union, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and MPs congratulated the union. Mr. Hawrami asked the union to help protect Kurdistan’s peaceful coexistence between different religious and ethnic communities.

Committee on Social Affairs meet with social work directorates and stakeholders in Duhok

18 September – The chair and MPs of Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Social Affairs, Protection of Women’s Rights and Human Rights visited the city of Duhok and met with the General Directorate on Protecting and Developing Social Affairs. They discussed the problems faced by the directorates, and the staff suggested to the MPs relevant draft legislation that would help the sector. The committee members pledged to follow up on the issues raised in the meeting.

Speaker Rewas Faiq and Kurdistan Social Democratic Party Secretary Hama Haji Mahmoud discuss legislative priorities

On 22 September Mr. Hama Haji Mahmoud, the Secretary of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party together with several members congratulated Dr. Rewas Faiq and Mr. Hemin Hawrami on their election to the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee discusses creating a Kurdistan-UK parliament friendship group, and Iraqi passport renewal problems

The Committee’s chair, vice chair, rapporteur and MPs held their regular meeting on 18 September. They discussed the meeting of Parliament’s presidency with the chairs of the Kurdistani blocs in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, in which the Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee also participated.

Summary of committees' recent meetings - 19 September 2019

The Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee met with staff of Helena Centre for children with disabilities, who asked MPs  help them resolve their financial and logistic problems. The committee also met with a delegation who want Kurdistan Parliament to enact Iraq’s Law No. 37 of 2013, on the rights of physicians and Health Ministry employees. The Social Affairs Committee plans to go on a fact-finding visit to Duhok. 

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets Speaker of Iraq's Council of Representatives Muhammad Halbousi

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 19 September received the President of Iraq's Council of Representatives, Mr. Muhammad Halbousi, at Erbil International Airport. Speaker Faiq stressed the need for a strong relationship between the two parliaments, and asked Mr. Halbousi to play a positive role by supporting the rights of the Kurdistani people in the Iraq 2020 budget, and to foster mutual understanding between all Iraqis. 

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Iraq’s President Barham Salih to Kurdistan Parliament

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 18 September welcomed the President of Iraq Dr. Barham Salih to the Kurdistan Parliament.  as part of his visit to the Kurdistan Region. Speaker Faiq asked President Salih to help the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Government in their current negotiations to reach a final agreement on outstanding issues. President Salih said, “It is the Constitution that brings us together to create mutual understanding between all Iraqis, and to reach agreement.  The only choice that we have is dialogue, agreement and mutal understanding.”