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Peshmerga Ministry's health committee and MPs discuss help for injured and disabled Peshmerga soldiers

Parliament's Peshmerga Committee together with the Health Committee had a meeting with the Peshmerga Ministry's health committee.

Kurdistan Parliament MPs and senior KRG officials discuss KRG's plan to participate in preparing Iraq's 2020 budget

Kurdistan Parliament MPs on 12 September were briefed by senior KRG officials on the KRG's plan to participate in preparing a draft of Iraq’s 2020 federal budget with Iraq's Ministry of Finance. They also discussed other critical issues for the Kurdistan Region. The meeting was chaired by Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami.

Kurdistan Parliament protests against Iraq Provincial Election Law to UNAMI's Director of Electoral Assistance Dr. Arian Aamir

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Secretary Muna Kahveci and several MPs today met with Dr. Arian A. Aamir, UNAMI’s Director of Electoral Assistance and Principal Electoral Adviser, to protest against Iraq’s provincial election law. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said, “The Iraqi provincial elections scheduled for April 2020 will not be free and fair if this law stands. Unlike the last election, IDPs will be prevented from voting outside their provinces.”

Summary of Committees’ recent meetings – 13 September 2019

In recent meetings Parliament's committees discussed pollution from oil refineries, bringing the 70th and 80th Peshmerga brigades under the Ministry of Peshmerga, and summoning the KRG Minister of Municipalities to question them about the household water meter complaints and problems. 

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets Greece’s Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 11 September met Greece’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region Efthymios Costopoulos. They discussed the Kurdistan Parliament’s priorities, including achieving national consensus on drafting a Kurdistan Constitution, carrying out reforms and the unification of the Peshmerga forces.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets Hungary’s Chargé D’affaires Miklos Szabo

The Speaker briefed Mr. Szabo on the Parliament Presidency’s mission to achieve consensus between the political parties on national issues and to carry out reforms in government institutions. Dr. Faiq thanked Hungary for their support to the Peshmerga forces in the fight against ISIS and hoped that Hungary will continue to support Kurdistan Region.

Kurdistani MPs of Iraqi Parliament and Kurdistan Parliament to coordinate on Iraqi legislation that affects Kurdistan

On 8 September Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency and MPs met with Kurdistani MPs of Iraq’s Council of Representatives (ICR), to discuss how to coordinate on Iraqi legislation that affects the people of Kurdistan and the KRG.

Kurdistan Parliament welcomes HDP delegation led by Co-Chair Sezai Temelli

The Kurdistan Parliament headed by Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 8 September welcomed a delegation from Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party (HDP), led by its Co-Chair Sezai Temelli. Dr. Faiq said that the Kurdistan Parliament supports achieving the rights of Kurds in Turkey through dialogue and peaceful means.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq welcomes France's new Consul General Olivier Decottignies

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 10 September welcomed France’s new Consul General Mr. Olivier Decottignies in Kurdistan Region. They focused on the talks to resolve outstanding problems between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Federal Government according to the Iraqi Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci welcome France’s new Consul General Mr. Olivier Decottignies

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Secretary Kahveci welcomed Mr. Olivier Decottignies, the new French Consul General and offered him their full support for the Consulate’s activities in Kurdistan Region. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan values its close partnership with France, which has a special place in the hearts and minds of the Kurdish people.