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Committees' recent meetings – 3 September 2019

Kurdistan Parliament's committees this week decided to work on Iraq's law on narcotics and on problems faced by court petitioners; to summon the KRG Minister of Municipalities and other relevant parties to Parliament about the household water meter problems; and to try to get private institutes' and universities' student fees reduced.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets British Ambassador to Iraq Jon Wilks

Ambassador Wilks congratulated Dr. Faiq on her election as Speaker. On gender equality in Kurdistan, he said he hopes that more attention will be given to women’s positions in Kurdistan Region’s institutions. The British government is trying to help Baghdad and Erbil to resolve their outstanding problems, Ambassador Wilks said, and they discussed the recent visit by members of the UK Parliament’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Kurdistan Region.

Speaker Rewas Faiq: Parliament should create the right legislative environment to achieve government’s reform and services agenda

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 1st September set out the Parliament Presidency’s vision for the autumn session. She said the priority this autumn is to work on at least 14 bills to help deliver the government’s reform and services agenda. The heads of each parliamentary party also presented their legislative priorities. The majority said the first tasks should be reform legislation and the Kurdistan Constitution.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Korea’s Consul General Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin discuss inter-parliamentary relations

Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Korea’s Consul General Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin on 29 August discussed plans to strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and Korea’s National Assembly.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and Norway’s Special Envoy Mr. Knut Lien discuss strengthening bilateral ties

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and a delegation from Norway on 29 August discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations between Kurdistan Region and Norway.

Parliament’s Presidency announces order of business for opening of autumn session on 1st September 2019

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for opening of the autumn session of Parliament, on Sunday 1st September 2019, at 11am.

Former political prisoners submit their demands to Parliament’s committee

27 August - MPs in the Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee met representatives of a group of former political prisoners asking for more financial compensation, after they demonstrated in front of the Parliament building.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq calls MPs to first sitting of Parliament's autumn session

29 August - The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq calls MPs to an ordinary sitting to open the autumn session of Parliament, on Sunday 1st September at 11am.

Parliament's Presidency meet KDP Political Bureau members

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 28th August met with Mr. Faisal Mirani, Secretary of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) political bureau and several of its members. Speaker Faiq was accompanied by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci. Parliament's Presidency will meet with the leaderships of other political parties in the near future, as part of their efforts to strengthen Parliament’s relations with all the main political organisations in Kurdistan Region.

Parliament’s Presidency meets with former President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 28 August met with former President of Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani, to discuss the Kurdistan Parliament’s work and plans. Speaker Faiq was accompanied by Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci.