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Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee condemns attack against Kurdistani tourists in Turkish city of Trabzon

We the Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee for Relations and the Kurdish Diaspora condemn the racist attack by people in the town of Trabzon against tourists from Kurdistan. We call on the authorities who detained the tourists to release them immediately.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets US Ambassador to Iraq Matthew Tueller

Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 17th July discussed with the US Ambassador to Iraq Matthew Tueller developing bilateral relations between the US and Kurdistan Region. Ambassador Tueller said, “The United States has strong relations with the Kurdistan Region and we thank Kurdistan for embracing Iraqi IDPs and Syrian refugees.”

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets World Health Organization officials

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 17th July met senior World Health Organization officials. Dr. Faiq informed them of parliament's efforts to draft bills to improve Kurdistan's health services, and she asked the WHO representatives to support the work of parliament's health committee. 

Kurdistan Parliament Presidency condemns shooting of Turkish diplomat in Erbil

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament condemns the shooting at a restaurant in Erbil that killed a Turkish diplomat and a citizen of Kurdistan Region, and injured another person today 17th July, and calls for the arrest of the perpetrators. The statement follows.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci meets peace charity organization

The Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on July 16 discussed with a delegation from the Peace Charity Organization the importance of peaceful coexistence in the Kurdistan Region.  Both sides agreed that Kurdistan is secure and is a model for coexistence in Iraq and in the region.

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets Italy’s Ambassador and Consul General

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 16th July met Italy’s Ambassador to Iraq Bruno Pasquino and Ms. Serena Muroni, the Consul General to Kurdistan Region. Parliament Secretary Ms. Muna Kahveci also participated in the meeting.

Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci attends opening of 2019 Rwanga FORAS job fair

Secretary of the Kurdistan Parliament Muna Kahveci on 15th July attended the opening of Rwanga FORAS annual job fair. Secretary Kahveci as well as several MPs participated in the launch of  this year’s job fair, which was opened by His Excellency Nechirvan Barzani, President of Kurdistan Region.

Kurdistan Parliament Presidency’s condemns terrorist attacks in Afrin and Qamishlo

We condemn these acts of terrorism which are an attack on our values and on our entire civilisation. These attacks inspire us to be more united in defence of our land and in standing against terrorists.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament attend France’s Bastille Day reception

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament and other MPs on 14th July attended France’s Bastille Day reception in Erbil. Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci were accompanied by several heads of parliamentary blocks and other MPs.

Iraqi President Dr. Barham Salih congratulates Dr. Rewas Faiq on election as Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

In a telephone call on 12th July, the President of Iraq Dr. Barham Salih congratulated Dr. Rewas Faiq on her election as Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament. President Salih wished the Speaker success in her work to build on the foundations of democracy and social justice through the enactment of laws.