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Parliament’s Presidency announces business for 10th July: Prime Minister and cabinet to take oath of office, Prime Minister to announce government programme

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the fifth term’s 13th normal sitting on Wednesday 10th July 2019, at 11am: Giving confidence to the nominated Prime Minister; announcing and giving confidence to the ministers of the ninth cabinet; administering the oath of office to the Prime Minister and his cabinet; and the Prime Minister's announcement of the main points of the ninth cabinet's programme.  

MPs amend Kurdistan Region Governorates Law

Kurdistan Parliament MPs today 8th July voted in favour of amending the Kurdistan Region Governorates Law. With the amendments, the current provincial councils' members will stay in their positions until the next provincial council elections. Elections were supposed to be held by September 2018 at the latest, but have been delayed. MPs also voted in favour of allowing non-members to selected as heads of provincial councils. They believe this may lead to improved leadership of the councils and better services.

Parliament’s Presidency announces business for sitting of 8 July: Vote on amendments to Kurdistan Governorates Law, Law no. 3 of 2009

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the fifth term’s 12th normal sitting on Monday 8th July 2019, at 11am: Vote on the proposed amendments to Law Number 3 of 2009, the Law of the Kurdistan Region governorates; and hearing the Legislative Committee’s report on the proposed amendments.

Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 7 July 2019

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Area visits Qarahanjir office to hear their problems; Pharmaceuticals subcommittee meets medicines traders in Slemani; committees prepare amendments to Kurdistan Governorates law.

MPs debate amendments to Kurdistan Governorates Law at second reading

Kurdistan Parliament MPs sat today 7th July to debate proposed amendments to the Kurdistan Region Governorates Law, Law No. 3 of 2009. Click here to read details of the amendments and the debate. Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed announced that MPs will sit again tomorrow, Monday 8th July, to vote on the amendments. 

Parliament’s Presidency announces business for sitting of 7 July 2019: Second reading of amendments to Kurdistan Governorates Law, Law no. 3 of 2009

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the fifth term’s 11th normal sitting on Sunday 7th July 2019, at 11am:

Second reading of the proposed amendments to Law Number 3 of 2009, the Law of the Kurdistan Region governorates; and the Legislative Committee’s report on the proposed amendments.

MPs reject human capacity building bill; reading of Kurdistan Governorates law amendments to continue tomorrow

MPs today, 6th July, sat for the reading of three bills. MPs voted against the first bill, on human capacity building in the Kurdistan Region. Thirty four MPs sponsored the second bill, on registering illegally occupied or taken land in the Kurdistan Region municipalities. The Speaker asked the parliament committees to work on the bill. For the third bill, amendments to the Kurdistan Governorates law, the Speaker asked committees to work on it as soon as possible. MPs will sit again tomorrow, 7th July at 11am, to continue today’s order of business. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Assyrian Democratic Movement delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami said to Deputy Secretary Yaqub Gorgis and his delegation, “Christians are one of the original societies in the country and are our partners; we believe that protecting your rights is a principle of democracy and is our duty.”

Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 4th July 2019

The Finance and Economic Affairs Committee discussed several issues in the spring term, planned their future work and made several decisions. They decided to ask their advisors to prepare an objection to the Iraq Financial Administration Law to present to the Federal Court. They also decided to reuse the Unified Retirement Law of Iraq, law No. 9  of 2014. Read more...

Parliament Presidency announces business for sitting on 6th July, 11am

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the fifth term’s tenth normal sitting on Saturday 6th July 2019, at 11am:

1) Bill on human capacity building in the Kurdistan Region

2) Bill on registering illegally occupied/taken land in the Kurdistan Region municipalities

3) Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2009 on the Kurdistan Region governorates.