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Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed receives letter from President of Japan’s House Councillors

Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Vala Fareed on 20th June met Mr. Katsumi Moriyasu, Japan’s Consul to Kurdistan Region, who presented the Speaker with a letter from the President of Japan’s House Councillors, the upper chamber of the Japanese Diet.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and MPs meet Spain’s Ambassador to Iraq

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and several MPs on 20th June met Spain’s Ambassador to Iraq, Ambassador Juan Jose Escobar-Stemmann, and his delegation, to discuss the latest political developments, the situation of the different ethnic and religious communities, and Kurdistan Region’s relations with Spain.

Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 20th June 2019

Parliament's Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee yesterday congratulated Kurdish-American Ms Herro Mustafa on her appointment as US Ambassador to Bulgaria. Other committees in recent meetings discussed oil income for paying government employees' salaries, illegal oil refineries, and Iraq's regulation on opening a branch of a foreign company. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanks Consul General Mr. Dominique Mas for France's support for Kurdistan Region

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the people of Kurdistan and France have enjoyed excellent relations historically and today, and said he hoped that the ties will go from strength to strength. He thanked France for playing a positive role in the Middle East, and for its support for the Kurdish cause and the Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Head of Kirkuk Governorate Council Rebwar Talabani

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 18th June welcomed Mr. Rebwar Talabani, Head of Kirkuk Governorate Council. Ms. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), Head of Parliament’s Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area and several committee members also participated in the meeting.

Summary of committees’ recent meetings – 19 June 2019

This week, Kurdistan Parliament's committees met with Mr. Rebwar Talabani, the head of Kirkuk Provincial Council; discussed farmers' deliveries to grain silos; and discussed the funding for Slemani governorate's activities as Kurdistan's Capital of Culture. 

Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed welcomes German delegation from the city of Essen

17th June 2019 - Dr. Vala Fareed, Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, welcomed Mr. Peter Renzen, Alderman of Essen city council, several officials from Essen's hospitals and social services, and the head of the political department of Funke Media Group from Berlin.

Kurdistan Parliament publishes resolution on appointing Masrour Barzani as Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government

The Kurdistan Parliament on 11th June 2019 passed the following resolution regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government:

Parliament begins workshop on MPs’ code of conduct

The National Democratic Institute and Kurdistan Parliament’s Research Centre on 16th June began a workshop on Parliament's code of conduct for the heads of committees and heads of the parliamentary blocs.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami says Iraq’s security weaknesses prevent safe return of Yazidis and Christians

15th June 2019 – The Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Mr. Hemin Hawrami and several MPs on 13th June spoke at a conference in Duhok on the recovery and return of the Yazidis and Christians in Iraq. Deputy Speaker Hawrami said the Kurdistan Region is a model for Iraq and the Middle East of a peaceful, tolerant society that respects all religions and ethnicities.