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Parliament's Presidency announces programme for swearing-in of President of Kurdistan Region, on 10th June at 11am

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting on 10th June 2019 at 11am, for the swearing-in of the President of the Kurdistan Region, and the nomination of the next Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government. 

Kurdistan Region’s High Council on Women's Affairs asks for legislation to support its work

The Parliament Committee on Social Affairs, Protection of Women's Rights, and Human Rights on Monday met the Kurdistan Region’s High Council for Women’s Affairs. The High Council asked the parliamentary committee for legislation to govern it as an institution and support its functions. On the plight of children of Yazidi women born through abduction and rape by ISIS terrorists, the high council said that a means should be found to give the children identity and citizenship, so that they can integrate into society.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed meets High Council of Women’s Affairs

28th May 2019 - Dr. Vala Fareed, Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, yesterday welcomed the President of High Council of Women’s Affairs and her delegation. They discussed Yazidi women and girls living in IDP camps, and how to secure justice and compensation for the crimes of humanity that were committed against them.

Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed and EU Ambassador to Iraq discuss latest political developments

28th May 2019 – Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed today met Ambassador Ramon Blecua, the European Union Delegation’s Ambassador in Iraq. They discussed the latest political developments and strengthening the existing programmes between the EU and the Kurdistan Region. Ambassador Ramon Blecua said, “This is a critical moment now because of the current political tensions in the Middle East. Securing the government formation process in Kurdistan is important to stabilizing political life in the wider region.”

MPs elect Nechirvan Idris Mustafa Barzani as President of the Kurdistan Region

28th May 2019 - Today Kurdistan Parliament's MPs elected Nechirvan Idris Mustafa Barzani to the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region. Of the 81 MPs present at today's sitting, 68 MPs voted for him to become the next President of the Region.

Parliament pledges support to find the missing children of Halabja chemical attack

25th May 2019 - On International Missing Children's Day, the Kurdistan Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Committee Head Ms. Sawsan Mir Khan met representatives of families whose children went missing in the aftermath of the 1988 chemical bombardment of Halabja.

Parliament statement on false news regarding Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci

The Kurdistan Parliament issues the following statement regarding fake and misleading news published on the PUKMEDIA website on 22nd May 2019, with the headline ‘Travel ban on Muna Kahveci':

Parliament’s research centre presents new publications to support MPs’ work

Kurdistan Parliament’s Research Centre on 20th May presented three new publications to MPs at a seminar chaired by parliament’s presidency.

Mr. Fuad Ahmed, the Director of Parliament’s Research Centre, informed MPs about the three publications aimed at benefiting MPs in their legislative and oversight work.

MPs will elect next President of Kurdistan Region on 28th May, 11am

26th May 2019 – The Kurdistan Parliament announces that MPs will elect the next next President of the Kurdistan Region on Tuesday 28th May at 11am. The election will take place during a normal sitting of parliament. 

Parliament committee releases statement on premeditated attacks in Khanaqin, Dibis and Sargaran

23 May 2019 - After the premeditated attacks in the city of Khanaqin, the district of Dibis, and villages near the district of Sargaran, our committee, supported by President Masoud Barzani, began investigating the attacks, met the farmers from the areas, and submitted a report on their plight to the relevant authorities. Read more...