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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes students and faculty of Duhok’s Nawroz University

4 April 2019 - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday met students and lecturers from the International Relations Department of Duhok’s Nawroz University. Mr. Hawrami briefed them on Parliament’s role and its responsibilities of debating, enacting legislation and scrutinizing the government.

Parliament holds second reading of bill to restore Kurdistan Region President’s powers

4 April 2019 - The Kurdistan Parliament yesterday debated for four hours at the second reading of a bill to restore the functions of the President of the Kurdistan Region; and to amend the election system for the presidency from public election to parliamentary vote, until a Kurdistan Region constitution is enacted in the future.

Parliament Speaker and Deputy receive delegation from the Directorate General of Health in Erbil

3 April 2019 - Speaker Dr. Vala Farid and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday welcomed health officials from the Directorate General of Health in Erbil, led by Director General Dr. Saman Barzinji.

Integrity, Parliamentary Affairs and Complaints Committee meets to discuss their program of work

The Kurdistan Parliament’s Integrity, Parliamentary Affairs and Complaints Committee yesterday met to set out their priorities for the coming years in their work of monitoring the Kurdistan Regional Government’s functions. 

Mothers of fallen Peshmerga soldiers participated in Parliament’s Kurdistan Flag Day ceremony

Mothers of fallen Peshmerga soldiers participated in Parliament’s Kurdistan Flag Day ceremony.

To honour and remember the sacrifices of Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces, mothers of soldiers who died in battle stood alongside MPs to celebrate Kurdistan’s flag.

MPs take oath of office following parliament elections

Following the recent Kurdistan Region parliamentary election, on 6 November MPs gathered to take their oath of office. The Kurdistan Region’s Independent High Election and Referendum Commission (IHERC) announced the final results of the vote last month, which have been approved by the Judicial Council.