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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys best wishes on anniversary of Gali Kurdistan television channel

From its beginnings, Gali Kurdistan has been defined by its defence of our people's legitimate cause and their constitutional rights in the most difficult times, and has been at the forefront of the law, journalistic ethics and upholding values.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami: "The September Revolution led by Mustafa Barzani proved that the people will never give up their rights”

The September Revolution was nationwide. From Zaxo to Khanaqin, the people and the Peshmerga hand in hand, from all walks of society and all faiths and sects, came together under a shared destiny...

Committees’ recent meetings – 16 to 30 June 2022

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' work and meetings from 16 to 30 June 2022...

Committees’ recent meetings – 17 May to 15 June 2022

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' work and meetings from 17 May to 15 June 2022...

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq meets with EU Ambassador to Iraq Ville Varjola

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 7 September 2022 welcomed Ambassador Ville Varjola, the European Union's envoy to Iraq, and Anders Wiberg, the EU's incoming Head of the EU Assistance Mission in Iraq for civilian security sector reform.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting on changing court documents to Kurdish, standardizing Kurdish legal terminology across institutions

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 6 September 2022 met with representatives of the Judicial Council, the Integrity Commission, the Kurdish Academy and Parliament departments to discuss a proposed national strategic plan to use Kurdish for courts’ legal documents. They also discussed changing to the Kurdish language legal texts at the official institutions.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting to finalize the Education Bill for its second reading

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 5 September 2022 chaired a meeting to finalize the Education Committee’s report for the second reading of the Education Bill.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq in Slemani visits Hiwa Hospital and Zhiyanawa Cancer Treatment Centre

Kurdistan Parliament Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 4 September 2022 in Slemani visited Hiwa Cancer Hospital and Zhiyanawa Cancer Treatment Centre, where she met with their directors, staff and advocacy boards.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq and NGOs in Slemani discuss challenges to civil society's work

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 3 September 2022 in Slemani met with representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Slemani and Halabja, to discuss the challenges to their work and possible solutions.

At opening of autumn 2022 legislative session Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq: "Forming the Constitution drafting committee, Election Law and Election Commission are the priorities"

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 1 September 2022 opened the new autumn session of Parliament, following the summer recess. Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci presided alongside the Speaker.