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Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulates Kurdistan Women's Union on 69th anniversary

On the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Women's Union, I congratulate the Secretary, members of the Secretariat and all members of your union.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq congratulates Kurdistan Women's Union on 69th anniversary

On the 69th anniversary of the founding of the Kurdistan Women's Union, I extend my best wishes to the Secretary, members of the Secretariat and all members of your campaigning organization.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami attends national strategic meeting on International Anti-Corruption Day

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 9 December 2021 participated in a national strategic meeting on the fight against corruption, organized by the Kurdistan Region Integrity Committee to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.

MPs vote in favour of two committees' recommendations on more support for Peshmerga forces to counter ISIS

The Kurdistan Parliament on 8 December 2021 discussed the attacks by the ISIS terrorist organization on Peshmerga posts and barricades. MPs voted in favour of two committees' recommendations to provide more support for the Peshmerga forces to prevent and counter the terrorist attacks. 

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq's statement on International Anti-Corruption Day

In our efforts to formulate a national anti-corruption strategy and to create a roadmap to end this scourge on society that has exacerbated this current term of the Kurdistan Parliament we passed three important and essential anti-corruption laws.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with members of Kurdish Federation in Sweden

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 December 2021 met with members of the Kurdish Federation in Sweden. He encourage the Kurdish Diaspora to be advocates on different issues that affect the people of Kurdistan.

Mr. Gilbert Mitterrand, son of Madame Danielle Mitterrand, addresses Parliament on 10-year commemoration of her death

Mr. Gilbert Mitterrand said, “You were a light for Danielle Mitterrand and you can be a light for so many others. There is a saying that the Kurds have no friends but the mountains, but you should know that you have many brothers and sisters around the world.”

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Christian clerical and NGO delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 December 2021 welcomed a delegation of Christian clerics and NGO representatives from the US, UK and Finland. They discussed the importance of maintaining and supporting Kurdistan Region's model of religious and ethnic tolerance and coexistence.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami meets with Greece's Consul General Dr. Stavros Kyrimis

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 8 December 2021 met with Greece's Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Dr. Stavros Kyrimis. They discussed the next Kurdistan Parliament election and building closer ties between the Kurdistan Parliament and the Hellenic Parliament.

Parliament committees, Minister Shoresh Ismail and senior KRG officials discuss Peshmerga forces as ISIS attacks increase

To discuss the Peshmerga forces and the recent attacks by ISIS terrorists on Peshmerga positions, on 7 December 2021 Kurdistan Parliament’s Peshmerga Committee and the Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area met with KRG Minister for Peshmerga Shoresh Ismail and other KRG officials.