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Statistics on Kurdistan Parliament’s work in spring session of third year of fifth term

Statistics on Kurdistan Parliament’s work in the recently ended Spring Session of the third year of the fifth term, which was from 1 March to 31 July 2021. Please note that the data is in Kurdish, with the titles of the files and tables in English here:

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulates Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party on 45th anniversary

In the war against ISIS, dear Kaka Hama Haji Mahmood, you and your Peshmerga were at the forefront as one of the brave commanders defending Kurdistan, and your son Kaka Ata tragically lost his life in the battle to defend Kirkuk, an example of the selflessness and sacrifices that your party has made.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq attends Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's swearing-in ceremony

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 5 August 2021 attended the swearing-in ceremony of Iran's newly elected President Ibrahim Raisi, and the next day met with him as part of the Kurdistan Region delegation.

Committees' recent meetings - 4 August 2021

Committees discussed bills on seeds and on the Kurdistan Olympic Committee, and the bill on amendments to the law on the disappeared from campaigns against the people of Kurdistan. 

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq to attend inauguration of Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi

At the official invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq will attend the inauguration ceremony of Ebrahim Raisi, the newly elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled to take place on Thursday 5th August.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament's statement on 7-year commemoration of genocide against Yazidis

At extraordinary sitting number 3 of 3rd August 2019, the Kurdistan Parliament in a resolution officially designated August 3rd as the day of the Yazidi genocide to pave the way for compensation for the victims of this brutal crime and for the people of Shengal...

Statement by Martyrs' Affairs Committee on 7-year commemoration of Yazidi Genocide

ISIS wanted to annihilate the religion, culture and language of this native community of Kurdistan and Iraq, and to demographically change an important area of Kurdistan, but with the help of Kurdistan’s allies, the Yazidis remain in Shengal and have maintained their religion, culture and language.

Statement by Martyrs Affairs Committee on 38th anniversary of killing of 8,000 Barzanis

This crime is considered a genocide by all international legal standards. Iraq is a party to the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and to other human rights agreements.

Parliament's Presidency on 38th anniversary of killing of the Barzanis: 'The beginning of a series of crimes against people of Kurdistan'

On the 38th anniversary of the disappearance and killing of the Barzanis from the forced resettlement camps in Qushtapa, Harir and Soran, we honour and pray for their pure souls and we never forget this tragedy.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq announces end of spring session of third year of Kurdistan Parliament

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq announced the end of the current spring session of Parliament, and the start of a one-month Parliament recess. The summer recess is usually two months long, from the start of July to the end of August, but this year the recess was delayed and the spring session was extended by a month until 31 July.