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Committees’ recent meetings – 29 July 2021

Committees worked on several bills and also discussed the current dangerous wave of the Coronavirus and the 12th grade high school exams.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes new US Consul General Robert Palladino

Dr. Faiq said to the new Consul General Mr. Robert Palladino that the Kurdistan Region views its relations with the United States with great importance, and pointed to America’s effective role in supporting the stability of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes new US Consul General Robert Palladino

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Consul General Palladino on his posting in Kurdistan Region and wished him success. He said, "The Kurdistan Region and Kurdistan Parliament appreciate our historic partnership and friendship with the United States, and the United States’ support for the people of Kurdistan at many stages."

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Iraqi Cardinal Patriarch Louis Sako

Deputy Speaker Hawrami explained the political and legislative efforts to draft the Kurdistan Constitution, and Kurdistan Parliament’s resolve that Kurdistan Region should have its own Constitution and that within it the rights of the ethnic and religious components be protected.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomes Iraqi Cardinal Patriarch Louis Sako

Speaker Faiq and HB Patriarch Louis Sako discussed the current situation in Kurdistan Region, the peaceful coexistence between all ethnic and religious communities, and the steps in the drafting of the Kurdistan Constitution.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee thanks Belgian Parliament for recognition of Yazidi Genocide

We thank Belgium’s House of Representatives for their recognition of the genocide against the Yazidis, and we thank each and every member of the Belgian Parliament who voted on this important issue that shook humanity’s conscience.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq's message on Feast of the Sacrifice

On the holy occasion of the Feast of the Sacrifice (Jezhni Qurban, Eid Al-Adha), I warmly congratulate all Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq and around the world.

MPs attend 40th day memorial for five Peshmerga soldiers killed by PKK on Mount Matin in Amedi district

"The view of all of the blocs and committees in Kurdistan Parliament is that the PKK only creates pretexts for regional countries’ forces to occupy Kurdistan Region’s territory, establish military bases and undermine Kurdistan Region's sovereignty and constitutional status."

Secretary Muna Kahveci’s message on Eid of Sacrifice

On the holy occasion of the Feast of the Sacrifice (Jezhni Qurban, Eid Al-Adha), I congratulate all the citizens and different communities of Kurdistan and convey my best wishes to the proud families of martyrs and to the brave Peshmerga of Kurdistan

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami’s message on Eid of Sacrifice

On the holy celebration of the Feast of the Sacrifice (Jezhni Qurban, Eid Al-Adha), I convey my best wishes to all Muslims around the world and especially to Muslims in Kurdistan, and I hope that this blessed Eid brings you great peace and joy.