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Speaker Rewaz Faiq discusses Bill on Special Court for Crimes by ISIS with Russia’s Consul General Oleg Levin

15 June - Speaker Faiq said to Russia's Consul General Oleg Levin, "We need to understand the level of cooperation with us in terms of the international community’s constitutional, legal, financial and security support for such a court.”

Speaker Rewaz Faiq discusses Bill on Special Court for Crimes by ISIS with China’s and Germany’s consul generals in Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 16 June continued her meetings with foreign diplomats based in Kurdistan Region to discuss the Bill to Establish the Special Court for Crimes by ISIS. The Speaker met separately with China’s Consul General Ni-Ruchi and Germany’s Acting Consul General Sven Krauspe.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets Berlin State Parliament MP Hakan Tas

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 15 June welcomed Mr. Hakan Tash, a Member of Berlin's City-State Parliament. Dr. Hawrami thanked Germany for its assistance to Kurdistan Region in many areas.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with United States Institute of Peace MENA Director Dr. Elie Abouaoun

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 16 June met with the United States Institute of Peace Director of Middle East and North Africa Programs, Dr. Elie Abouaoun. They discussed the political, security and humanitarian situation in the Kurdistan Region, the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG, and the rest of Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Heartland Alliance International

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 16 June met with Sarita Sandosham, Executive Director of the NGO Heartland Alliance International, and her colleagues. They discussed Heartland Alliance’s support for Kurdistan Parliament’s legislative work.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq meets with US Consul General Rob Waller

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 15 June met with the US Consul General in Kurdistan Region Mr. Rob Waller, who visited at the Speaker’s request. They discussed the Bill on establishing the Special Court for the Crimes by ISIS in Kurdistan Region - Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with US Consul General Rob Waller

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and the US Consul General Rob Waller on 15 June discussed the preparations to work on the Kurdistan Constitution, the Bill on the Special Court for the Crimes by ISIS, and the situation in the border areas after the killing of six Peshmerga soldiers by the PKK. 

Committees' recent meetings - 14 June 2021

Committees discussed their findings at the villages in the border areas of Duhok affected by the PKK-Turkey conflict; the decision to increase cancer medicines; and the Bill on Preservation of Documents, Manuscripts and National Archives.

Speaker Faiq chairs fourth consultation with UNITAD, academics and legal experts on the Bill on Court for Crimes of ISIS

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 14 June chaired the fourth consultative meeting with UNITAD, to discuss the Bill on the Court in Kurdistan Region for the Crimes of ISIS. This time university academics and legal experts participated in the meeting.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Institute for International Law and Human Rights

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 14 June met with the Institute for International Law and Human Rights (IILHR), a non-profit legal consultancy, to discuss its advisory work with Parliament’s standing committees.