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Speaker Rewaz Faiq at Relations Committee’s Symposium: We have asked UN General Representation to help stop military incursions, take conflict out of Kurdistan Region

6 June 2021 - At a symposium organized by Parliament's Relations Committee on the Challenges and Prospects for Kurdistan Region, Speaker Rewaz Faiq said that Parliament has asked the UN General Representation in Kurdistan to help end military incursions in the border areas and take the conflict out of Kurdistan Region.   

Kurdistan Parliament's statement on killing of five Peshmerga soldiers calls for conflict to be taken away from Kurdistan Region, both sides to find peaceful solution

The Kurdistan Parliament is deeply saddened by the killing of five Peshmerga soldiers today, 5 June 2021, in Amedi district in an ambush by the PKK. We call for this conflict to be taken away from Kurdistan Region's borders, for all sides to preserve Kurdistan Region's sovereignty, and for neither side to create pretexts for conflicts & invasions. 

Parliament Presidency’s statement on the fire at Sharya IDP camp for Yazidis in Duhok

We are very saddened and concerned to learn of the fire that broke out at Sharya camp in Duhok for Yazidi IDPs. We are also deeply concerned about the lives and prospects for Yazidis, and we call for the situation in their areas to be normalized so that they can return home with dignity and in peace.

Peshmerga Committee's statement on PKK's ambush on Peshmerga in Amedi district

For years the PKK’s conflict with the Turkish state has been a threat to the Kurdistan Region and has destroyed hundreds of villages in the border areas. Many times the PKK has made the Kurdistan Region pay the price for its conflict with the Turkish state.

Kurdistan's environmental NGOs give Parliament letter calling for end to environmental destruction in border areas

On 2 June several Kurdistan Parliament committees met with the Board of Kurdistan Region’s environmental NGOs, who gave them a letter of protest on behalf of more than 100 NGOs, against the environmental destruction caused by Turkey's military operations in the border areas and Iran cutting the water flow. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with new Head of Japan's Consular Office Mr. Mikihiro Arakawa

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 2 June met with Mr. Mikihiro Arakawa, the new Head of Japan’s Consular Office in Kurdistan Region.

Speaker Faiq chairs meeting of Parliament’s legislation advisers and UNITAD on Bill on Court for Crimes of ISIS

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 31 May chaired a consultative meeting between UNITAD and Parliament’s legislation advisers to discuss the Bill on the Court for the Crimes of ISIS.

Committees' recent meetings - 2 June 2021

Committees are working on several bills on commerce, investment and stamp duty, and discussed how to resolve the problem of children living in prisons with mothers serving sentences.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Turkey’s Consul General Mr. Hakan Karacay

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 1 June met with Turkey’s Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Hakan Karacay.

Health and Environment Committee’s statement on logging Kurdistan’s forests

We are appalled by and strongly reject the Turkish government's logging of trees in Zakho and Amedi districts in Duhok province.