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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Germany's Consul General Klemens Semtner

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 3 May welcomed Germany's Consul General Mr. Klemens Semtner. They discussed the plan to establish a criminal court in Erbil to try crimes committed by ISIS. They also discussed the Kurdistan Region budget bill.

Committees' recent meetings - 3 May 2021

The Health Committee met with health authorities in Erbil and Duhok to monitor the Coronavirus vaccine receipts, storage and delivery to the public. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami visits families of three Peshmerga martyred near Prde

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs on 2 May offered their condolences to the families of three Peshmerga soldiers, Captain Pshtiwan Zrari, Idris Barham and Hemin Yahya Saeed, who lost their lives on 1 May in an ISIS attack near Prde.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area's statement regarding ISIS attack on Prde

We call on the Iraqi Federal Government to abide by its military agreement with the KRG, and we call for measures to be taken urgently to implement Article 140 of the Constitution.

Attack on Peshmerga in Prde: Peshmerga Committee calls for Iraqi and Peshmerga forces to cooperate to fill security gap

This is not the first time such cowardly attacks have been carried out on Peshmerga forces, many times ISIS terrorists have exploited the security gap between the Peshmerga forces and the Iraqi federal army to attack the Peshmerga.

Parliament's Presidency condemns in strongest terms ISIS attack on Peshmerga in Prde

This attack reminds us that Erbil and Baghdad must agree on the administration of the Kurdistani areas as soon as possible and find a lasting solution under Article 140 of the Constitution. We believe it is essential that the Global Coalition remain in Kurdistan and Iraq.

Speaker Faiq congratulates workers on International Workers’ Day

The revitalization and renewal of any sector or area of life is only been possible through the tireless efforts of workers. The Kurdistan Parliament supports all the legitimate demands of workers, and supports their organized campaigns and efforts through syndicates to improve their welfare and livelihoods and receive insurance and pensions.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami expresses best wishes to workers on International Workers Day

This 1st May, International Workers' Day, I congratulate the workers of Kurdistan, Iraq and the world. Workers are the backbone of society, through their tireless work and sacrifices. We support the rights of workers to a decent living, greater prosperity, insurance and pensions at the age of retirement.

Committees’ recent meetings – 30 April 2021

The Health Committee is monitoring the Coronavirus vaccine delivery system, the Culture Committee is asking for steps to put into effect the Law on the Right to Access Information. 

Parliament passes Law on Management and Protection of Archeology and Heritage in Kurdistan Region

The Kurdistan Parliament on 28 April passed the Law on Management and Protection of Archeology and Heritage in Kurdistan Region, and held the first reading of amendments to the implementation of the Law on Management of Endowments.