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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and EU officials discuss observers at next Iraqi election

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 7 February met with European Union officials and diplomats and discussed the issue of external observers at the next Iraqi general election.

Martyrs Committee’s statement on burial of 104 Yazidi genocide victims in village of Kocho

We call on the federal authorities of Iraq to recognize this crime as genocide against the Yazidis, to establish and implement special laws in an international court to try the suspects, to make reparations to the survivors, and to allocate a special fund in this and future years’ federal budget to rebuild the destroyed areas and homes, and to materially compensate and provide psychological support and healing.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq congratulates Kurdistan Islamic Union on their 27th anniversary

"We take the opportunity of this happy commemoration to ask the Kurdistan Islamic Union to continue your peaceful political model of moderation..."

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulates Kurdistan Islamic Union on their 27th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami congratulated the party in a phone call to Secretary General Salahaddin Bahadin.

Committees' recent meetings - 3 February 2021

The Finance Committee and UK Ambassador to Iraq Stephen Hickey discussed Kurdistan Region's expected budget bill and the KRG's negotiations with Baghdad. The Relations Committee and KRG Education Minister discussed Kurdish schools in Europe and opening a school for returnees' children in Kurdistan. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes UK Deputy Ambassador James Downer

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 26 January welcome the UK's Deputy Ambassador to Iraq James Downer, and Consul General James Thornton. They discussed Kurdistan Parliament's legislative and monitoring work and plans, the Reform Law and Iraq's next election.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and UNDP Iraq delegation discuss arbitration and commercial justice

Kurdistan Parllament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 31 January and a UNDP Iraq delegation discussed a project to strengthen commercial justice and business arbitration in Kurdistan Region and Iraq. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Norway's Ambassador to Iraq Tone Allers

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 31 January welcomed Norway's Ambassador to Iraq Tone Allers. Dr. Hawrami and Ambassador Allers discussed the political, economic, security and humanitarian situation in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Committees' recent meetings - 28 January 2021

Committees will ask the new KRG Natural Resources Minister to meet them and is sending the Kurdistan Region Oil & Gas Council questions about the Deloitte audit report; and is asking the KRG about restarting studies in February amid the Coronavirus pandemic.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami leads meeting with Peshmerga Minister and officials

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs in Parliament’s Peshmerga Committee on 25 January met with Peshmerga Minister Shoresh Ismail, Deputy Minister Sarbast Lazgin and their colleagues. They discussed ensuring that laws in force are implemented, the steps in the reform process, and parliamentary monitoring to speed it up.