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Committees’ recent meetings – 18 January 2021

Committees raised prisoners' and detainees' problems and requests to the public prosecution service; and they reviewed a report by the KRG's representatives abroad about their responsibilities, activities and challenges.

Committees' recent meetings - 14 January 2021

The Culture Committee is trying to implement an agreement between Parliament, the KRG and civil society organisations on collaborative work to strengthen democracy and foster social stability. The Women's Rights Committee met with two organisations that carried out research on sexual harassment in the workplace. 

Committees' recent meetings - 13 January 2021

Committees scrutinized the KRG's changes to taxation, the use of local oil refineries for meeting local needs, discussed media legislation with the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate and drafting a bill on sports.     

Deputy Speaker Hawrami leads Parliament delegation to Soran and Rawanduz

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and several MPs on 11 January went to Soran and Rawanduz districts and held meetings with local authorities, political parties and Parliament’s branch office, to look into the legal, administrative and services problems in the area.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq on Kurdistani Nwe newspaper's 29th anniversary: 'A proud and unique achievement in Kurdish journalism'

"Kurdistani Nwe freely mines political thought and literary genres with colour and diversity, covering many topics and aspects of exemplifies the established heavyweight press, and adheres to journalism’s norms and responsibilities. I hope that it will continue on this path.

Committees' recent meetings - 9 January 2021

The Integrity Committee discussed the allegation that Aborland Company transferred 6 billion euros abroad; and discussed the Integrity Commission's request to raise the retirement age of five judges. The Martyrs Committee plans to visit each governorate’s directorate for martyrs’ affairs.

MPs pass Law on Sale and Lease of Public Assets in Kurdistan Region

The Law sets out proper conduct and policies that the authorities must follow when selling or leasing public assets and properties, to ensure full transparency, clarity and justice in the public's interest.

Parliament confirms Dr. Kamal Abdulhamid Atroshi as KRG Minister of Natural Resources

At an extraordinary sitting of the Kurdistan Parliament on 6 January during the winter recess, MPs entrusted Dr. Kamal Abdulhamid Atroshi with the post of KRG Minister of Natural Resources, with 81 out of the 101 present members voting in favour of appointing him.

Legislative and Finance Committees prepare Bill on Sale and Lease of Public Assets for vote on 6 January

Parliament’s Legislative Committee and Finance and Economic Affairs Committee gathered on 5 January to review their final joint report on the Bill on the Sale and Lease of Public Assets in the Kurdistan Region.

Health Committee meets with directorate for medicines control and distribution

Members of Kurdistan Parliament's Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee on 4th January visited the Kurdistan Regional Government's directorate for medicines control and distribution.