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Committees' recent meetings - 28 December 2020

The Municipalities Committee went to the Korean Village residential complex to hear the residents' complaints and demands;the Kurdistani Areas is deeply concerned by the Arabization of Palkana and Sargaran districts; the Peshmerga Committee's report on their activities is available to read online; and the Finance Committee discussed how the impact of the Iraqi Dinar devaluation on prices of goods should be mitigated.   

KRG negotiating team to explain to Parliament outcome of latest talks with Iraqi Federal Government

On Monday 28 December, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s team for negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government will explain the outcome of their latest talks with Baghdad to the Kurdistan Parliament. Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and the other KRG officials will meet with Parliament’s Presidency, heads of the parliamentary parties and three parliament committees at 11am.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Kurdistan Platform for National Issues

Speaker Faiq said to Dr. Avesta Kamal and her colleagues from Kurdistan Platform for National Issues, "Kurdistan and Iraq are currently going through a period of instability. The people of Kurdistan and Iraq are living anxiously with this instability, and its impact must be taken into account.”  

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Germany's new Consul General Mr. Klemens Semtner

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Consul General Semtner discussed Kurdistan Parliament's priorities for the next six months, relations with Baghdad, and strengthening ties between Kurdistan's and Germany's parliaments.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Armenia's first Consul General Mr. Arshak Manoukian

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Consul General Arshak Manoukian discussed the shared history of Kurdistan and Armenia since antiquity and their hopes for closer parliamentary, education and commercial ties.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Minister Safeen Dizayee, Head of KRG Department of Foreign Relations

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 15 December welcomed Minister Safeen Dizayee, the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, and his staff.

Committees' recent meetings - 21 December 2020

The Culture Committee condemns the arrest of journalists, closure of a television channel and violence by all sides during recent demonstrations. The Relations Committee and the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations discussed the KRG representations abroad and complaints form the Kurdistani community abroad.  

Parliament's Peshmerga Committee visit Sahela border to investigate incident

Following clashes between Peshmerga forces and YPG forces on the Sahela border, members of Kurdistan Parliament's Peshmerga Committee on 17 December visited Sahela to get a full understanding of the causes of the incident.

Parliament's Presidency convey best wishes for Yazidi Rojiet Ezi Feast

On this holy occasion, we hope for the safe return of kidnapped and disappeared Yazidis to their families and loved ones, and we hope for the return of Yazidi Kurds to rebuild their ancestral areas, for continued peaceful coexistence and the full restoration of their homeland and nation.

Parliament's Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee convey best wishes for Yazidi Rojiet Ezi Feast

We hope that Yazidis celebrate this feast in peace with the religious freedom that they experience in Kurdistan Region, and on this occasion we wish for the normalization of Shengal (Sinjar) and the dignified return of Yazidis to their homes.