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Law on Illegally Taken or Used Land in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities to be amended

Mayors, municipal authorities and the Municipalities Ministry told Parliament's Municipalities Committee that there are problems and obstacles to implementing the law and suggested that Parliament amend some articles so that the legislation better serves the public.

Finance Committee and KRG discuss Government's report on implementation of Reform Law

The committee met with Dr. Abdulhakim Khasro, the Secretary of the High Committee on Reforms, and Hiwa Afandi, the Head of KRG Department of Information Technology, to discuss the KRG’s report that was submitted to the committee on the steps taken so far to implement the law.

Committees' recent meetings - 14 December 2020

The Relations Committee met with a delegation of MPs from Belgium's parliament and agreed to create a parliamentary friendship group, and the Social Affairs Committee asked the authorities to provide treatment for a prisoner who has been diagnosed with cancer. 

Committees' recent meetings - 13 December 2020

The Peshmerga Committee is preparing a publication on all of its meetings, visits and activities. The Religous Affairs Committee participated in a symposium on protecting families, as part of the 16-day campaign to eliminate violence against women. 

Committees' recent meetings - 9 December 2020

Committees told the education and higher education ministries that this academic year should not be wasted due to Coronavirus and schools should reopen; they also discussed correcting the lists of claimants of martyrs, Anfal and political prisoners' benefits; and they met the new director of Erbil prison.  

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Netherlands new Consul General Hans Akerboom

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 December welcomed Hans Akerboom, the Netherlands’ new Consul General in Kurdistan Region. The Deputy Speaker gave an overview of Parliament, the latest political and economic situation, and the negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad.

KRG’s negotiating team with Baghdad gives report to Kurdistan Parliament

The Kurdistan Parliament on 3 December received a report by the KRG’s negotiating team with Baghdad on the results of the negotiations with the Iraqi federal government. The report will be directed to the relevant Parliament committees and MPs and also will be presented to the public. 

MPs visit villages in Akre that were attacked by outsiders

Kurdistan Parliament MPs on 3 December visited the villages of Kashkawa and Gresor in Akre district to look into attacks on the villages by people from outside the area.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee meet with Germany's new Consul General Klemens Semtner

On 4 December members of Parliament's Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee met with Germany's new Consul General Klemens Semtner, at the Consulate General in Erbil.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami at meeting to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities: "Parliament will work to amend the law"

2 December- To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Kurdistan Parliament held a special meeting with the participation of Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, Ideal NGO for persons with disabilities, and government officials.