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Speaker Rewaz Faiq's message on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we warmly congratulate all persons with disabilities in Kurdistan and the world, and we commend them for their talents, abilities and courage...whose needs have unfortunately not all been met. We support all of their demands in Parliament, within the framework of the law and Parliament's responsibilities.

Committees' recent meetings - 3 December 2020

The Interior Committee and Interior Ministry officials discussed the lack of opportunity for promotions due to senior ranks exceeding their legal terms in their posts, and the reorganization of all guard forces into one guard unit. 

Parliament holds first reading of bills on education and private universities; discusses salaries problem

Parliament on 30 November held the first readings of the Bill on Education and Study, and of the first amendments to the Law on Private Universities. MPs called for discussion about the public salaries crisis, and the majority voted to hold a separate sitting on the issue in the presence of the KRG’s negotiating team for the outstanding issues with Baghdad.

Committees' recent meetings - 1 December 2020

Committees will ask the Government about its latest education plans during this Coronavirus pandemic and will ask it to open schools this week; they will also ask the Office for NGOs to have better oversight of NGOs whose remit is to help martyrs’ families. 

Parliament’s Presidency conveys condolences on passing of Edo Baba Sheikh

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 29 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Edo Baba Sheikh, who was an intellectual and MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term, in the following message:

Order of Business for Sitting of 30 November 2020

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to a sitting on Monday 30th November 2020 at 11am, the 11th ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the second year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Committees’ recent meetings – 28 November 2020

Committees plan to hold meetings to discuss establishing a food and medicines authority; and to look into the practice of buying foreign nationality from small island countries. The government is expected to give Parliament a bill to recognize as genocide ISIS's crimes in Kurdistani areas

Parliament holds second reading of Bill on Sale and Lease of Public Assets

Kurdistan Parliament held the second reading of the Bill on Sale and Lease of Public Assets in Kurdistan Region. The Presidency decided to close an ad hoc committee's investigation into an MPs' allegation of threats, due to lack of evidence. Speaker Faiq called for amendments to address shortcomings in the Law on Combating Violence Against Women, and commended campaigners for their bravery and perseverance on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Committees’ recent meetings – 26 November 2020

The Women's Rights committee will work on amending the law on combating violence against women. Committees are looking into allegations of a corrupt contract at the Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism with two companies; assessed the KRG's report on implementation of the Reform Law, and discussed the current Coronavirus situation with the Health Minister. 

Order of Business for sitting of 25th November 2020

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to a sitting on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 11am, the tenth ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the second year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows: