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Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys condolences to former speaker Arsalan Baiz

I was saddened to learn of the passing of your brother, Haji Ibrahim Baiz. I share your sorrow. On this sad occasion, I offer my condolences to you and your family.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes delegation from North Kurdistan

Deputy Speaker Hawrami told the delegation that Kurdistan Region’s political leadership has banned intra-Kurdish armed conflict, but no force should abuse this principle for its own ends by constantly attacking Kurdistan Region's institutions and entities, because each part of Kurdistan is distinct.

Endowments & Religious Affairs Committee congratulates new Yazidi spiritual leader Baba Sheikh Ali Elias

We hope that Baba Sheikh will succeed in his new religious duties, that he can strengthen spiritual life and the principle of forgiveness in Kurdistan Region...We give the new Baba Sheikh our support in his mission to strengthen the spirit of coexistence, to help the Yazidis overcome the enormous hardships that they have endured, and help them to return to their homeland.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulates Yazidis on election of new spiritual leader Baba Sheikh Ali Elias

On the election of Ali, the son of former Baba Sheikh Elias, as the new Baba Sheikh (spiritual leader), I warmly congratulate him as well as the Yazidi Mir, the Yazidi Spiritual Council and all Yazidi Kurds. I hope that the election of the new Baba Sheikh will be a force for greater consensus between the Yazidi Kurds.

Parliament’s Presidency attends funeral of Erbil Governor Dr. Firsat Sofi

19 November - Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq , Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, and Secretary Muna Kahveci attended the funeral of Dr. Firsat Sofi, the Governor of Erbil and former MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s fourth term.

Parliament’s Presidency conveys condolences on passing of Nadr Muhammad Qadir

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 19 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Nadr Muhammad Qadir, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term, in the following message:

Committees' recent meetings - 20 November 2020

Committees are preparing legislation on water resources and conservation and on charitable giving; they are also looking into Peshmerga reforms and support for martyred Peshmerga's families.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami's condolences on passing of Dr. Firsat Sofi, Governor of Erbil

"Dr. Firsat Sofi was a loyal and active parliamentarian and an accomplished jurist, who had a prominent role in the Kurdistan Parliament. After becoming Governor of Erbil he worked unceasingly on reforms. Unfortunately, his untimely death cut short his significant service to Erbil."

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq's condolences on passing of Dr. Firsat Sofi, Governor of Erbil

"Dr. Firsat was a unique and special person, a loyal and trustworthy friend, eager for unity, harmony and brotherhood. Whenever disputes between political forces seemed impassable, particularly between the PUK and KDP, he worked to reconnect them."

Committees' recent meetings - 17 November 2020

Committees are looking into youth unemployment and emigration, problems with roads in villages in Slemani governorate, housing units in Kalar, and the failure to open student dormitories on time.