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Parliament Presidency’s condolences on passing of Jamil Abdi Sindi

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 4 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Jamil Abdi Sindi, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term, in the following message:

Secretary Kahveci conveys condolences on passing of Siah Kurachi

I was saddened by the passing of Siah Kurachi, the Member of the Independent High Electoral Commission of Kurdistan Region. He was a loyal, recognized figure in the Turkmen community and served the Kurdistani people. The Turkmen community have lost a man of great character.

Parliament Presidency’s condolences to head of KDP Parliamentary Block Omed Khoshnaw

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 3 November conveyed their condolences to Omed Khoshnaw, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) parliamentary block, on the passing of his mother, in the following message:

Secretary Kahveci conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim

Kurdistan Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci on 31 October conveyed her condolences on the passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim, the former governor of Kirkuk, in the following message:

Parliament Presidency’s condolences on passing of former MP Mala Fatih Hama Amin Beg

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 1 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Mala Fatih Hama Amin Beg, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term,

Deputy Speaker Hawrami conveys condolences on passing of poet Jalali Malakshah

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 1 November expressed his condolences on the passing of the famous poet Jalali Malakshah, to his family, relatives, and all intellectuals of Kurdistan, in the following message:

Committees' recent meetings - 2 November 2020

The Relations Committee welcomed the German Bundestag's decision to extend Germany's military mandate in Kurdistan and Iraq until 2022; other committees looked into the work of Parliament's branch offices, and the Kurdistani parties' strategy in Kirkuk for the Iraqi elections. 

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim

"I received the sad news of the passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim, the well-known politician whose life’s work and cause was the rights of our people. As the Governor of Kirkuk, under his administration Kirkuk enjoyed a golden period of security and urban development."

Committees' recent meetings - 31 October 2020

Committees will ask the Interior Ministry to explain the arrest of journalist Sherwan Sherwani; ask the Finance Ministry about its agricultural loans policy; look into exhumation of Yazidi victims' mass graves, and interior forces' retirement.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami: “Najmaldin Karim was always a true defender of the rights of Kurdistani people”

"Dr. Najmaldin Karim was always a true defender of the people of Kurdistan. He struggled for Kurdistan from his youth in Kirkuk, he participated in the Aylul Revolution with Mala Mustafa Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan liberation movement...his stand on relinking Kirkuk to Kurdistan and standing against the occupation will go down in history."