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Speaker Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 23 October conveyed her condolences on the passing of Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz:

Committees’ recent meetings - 25 October 2020

Committees met with representatives of Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Al-Shirazi, and met the Head of the Investment Board to look into problems with teachers’ housing projects in Kifri and Kalar. 

Committees' recent meetings - 22 October 2020

Committees are looking into a company's transfer abroad of 6 billion euros, youth migration, interior security forces' retirement, teachers' salaries, road and housing problems, and municipal services and privatization of the electricity sector. They also met with a Yazidi delegation. 

Committees' recent meetings - 19 October 2020

In recent meetings Parliament's committees discussed youth migration, returning to Kurdistan remains of Anfal genocide victims, and amendments to the disability rights law; they looked into public sector salaries with the Finance Minister, privatisation of electricity and Peshmerga reform preparations.

Speaker Faiq welcomes India’s Ambassador to Iraq Birender Singh Yadav

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 19 October welcomed India’s Ambassador to Iraq, Birender Singh Yadav, and the Consul General in Kurdistan Region Subhash Chandra Kain.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Mir Ismat Mir Tahsin Beg

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemen Hawrami on 19 October welcomed Mir Ismat Mir Tahsin Beg, son of the previous leader of the Yazidis, and his delegation. They both welcomed the recently signed agreement between Erbil and Baghdad on normalizing the situation in Shengal and helping Shengal's IDPs to return home. 

Parliament condemns burning of Kurdistan flag and KDP branch office in Baghdad

Today, October 17, 2020, an illegal force attacked the headquarters of the 5th branch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) - the largest party in the Kurdistan Parliament - and burned Kurdistan’s sacred flag.

Parliament Speaker Rewas Faiq and Women’s Rights Committee convey condolences on passing of Mahabad Qaradaghi

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and the Protection of Women’s Rights Committee on 9 October expressed their condolences on passing of Mahabad Qaradaghi, a Kurdish women’s rights activist, poet and author, in the following messages:

Parliament’s Committee on Kurdistani Areas welcome Shengal Agreement, call for proper implementation

Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area on 10 October made the following statement regarding the agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi Federal Government on normalizing the situation in Shengal (Sinjar):

Speaker Faiq gives best wishes to girls in Kurdistan on International Day of the Girl Child

On this special day, I congratulate all girls in Kurdistan. I hope that they will defend their rights, be determined to gain equal opportunities, rely on their abilities and skills, become experts in their chosen field, overcome the obstacles they face with steely will, stand up to those who wish to undermine them, and prove themselves in their families, schools, neighbourhoods and towns.