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Parliament’s Presidency condemns deadly ISIS attacks on Kakayi villages in Khanaqin

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami in statements condemned ISIS terrorist attacks on 13 June on the Kakayi villages of Merkhas and Dara in Khanaqin. The Kakayi are a Kurdish religious minority. Parliament's Presidency called on the Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga to coordinate to protect civilians in the areas.

Committees' recent meetings - 25 June 2020

The Finance Committee is looking into the KRG's decisions to cut salaries by 21% in the wake of the financial crisis, to increase revenue from taxes and customs, and to start implementing the Reform Law in July. The Human Rights Committee visited prisons directorates to look at conditions, rights and Coronavirus measures.

Parliament’s Presidency condemns Turkey’s recent military attacks inside Kurdistan

We the Kurdistan Parliament condemn Turkey’s recent military attacks on the PKK in Kurdistan, which killed several Kurdistan Region citizens living near the border areas...We believe that any war or military action makes the prospect of lasting peace more distant, and that the only way to solve Turkey’s Kurdish problem is through political dialogue.

Announcement by Parliament's Presidency on Coronavirus cases among Parliament staff

Parliament’s Presidency on 10 June decided to close Parliament for two weeks, after some Parliament employees tested positive for the Coronavirus. More...

Parliament’s Health Committee asks the public to follow Coronavirus preventive measures

Kurdistan Parliament’s Health Committee emphasised that every person should protect themselves and others to prevent the further spread of the virus; and that everyone should know that Coronavirus is not a political issue and it should not be politicized.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Greece’s Consul General Costopoulos discuss latest developments

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 7 June met with Greece’s Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos, to discuss Parliament’s work and the latest developments in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Speaker Rewas Faiq congratulates Kurdistan Islamic Group party on 19th anniversary

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 2 June sent the following congratulatory message to the Kurdistan Islamic Group political party on their 19th anniversary:

Speaker Rewas Faiq conveys best wishes to Youth Freedom Organization on their 21st anniversary

For 21 years, the Youth Freedom Organization has defended young people’s rights and sought to meet their needs. Today young people’s greatest demand is for job opportunities. Your organization must support their demand and create the necessary opportunities for them.

Communication regarding MPs who wish to forego retirement pension

The Chief of the Diwan of the Kurdistan Parliament (the head of Parliament’s administration), has asked current and former MPs who wish to forego their right to a retirement pension to make the necessary administrative arrangements. The request comes after some MPs said that they wish to forego their pensions.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami speaks in webinar on Erbil-Baghdad budget crisis

The Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Hemin Hawrami on 22 May spoke in a panel discussion webinar on the Erbil-Baghdad budget crisis, organized by the Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS) of the American University of Iraq – Sulaimani.