Speaker Faiq on 9 August 2022 supervised the Religious Affairs Committee's meeting on the Bill on Amendments to the Application of the amended Law on the Administration of Endowments (Law No. 64 of 1966) in Kurdistan Region.
Committees News

Kurdistan Parliament marks eighth anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide
The Kurdistan Parliament on 3 August 2022 remembered the victims of the 2014 Genocide against the Yazidi Kurds. Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq, Secretary Muna Kahveci, Yazidi representatives, survivors of the genocide and MPs attended the ceremony in the Parliament building.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting on Legislative Proposal on the Protection of Domestic and Stray Animals
Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 2 August 2022 chaired a meeting to work on the Legislative Proposal on the Regulation of the Treatment of Domestic and Stray Animals, an animal welfare bill.

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami welcomes Khanaqin city’s committee for peaceful coexistence
The committee submitted a petition signed by 65,000 residents calling for Khanaqin to be returned to the Kurdistan Region.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting on amendments to anti-domestic violence law
Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 24 July 2022 chaired a meeting of Parliament’s Women’s Rights Committee with legal advisers and women's organizations to discuss amendments to the Law on Combating Violence against Families and Women in the Kurdistan Region, Law No. 8 of 2011.

Parliament for first time amends the Kurdistan Region Oil and Gas Law
The Kurdistan Parliament on 29 June 2022 for the first time amended the Oil and Gas Law of the Kurdistan Region - Iraq, with 79 votes. Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq announced that the summer legislative recess will begin on 1st July, but committees' daily work and responsibilities will continue as usual.

Parliament passes Law on Tourism, holds readings of several bills
The Kurdistan Parliament on 27 June 2022 passed the Law on Tourism with 82 votes. The aim of the law is to strengthen tourism as a source of national income and to benefit from tourism to promote Kurdistan's cultural and civilizational heritage and identity.

Order of Business for sitting of 27th June 2022
The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq calls MPs to a sitting on Monday 27th June 2022 at 10am, the ninth ordinary sitting of the spring session of the fourth year of the fifth term of Parliament. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Parliament discusses stoppage of some road-building projects and non-completion of housing units
The Kurdistan Parliament on 23 June 2022 discussed the reasons for the stoppage of some road-building projects and for the non-completion of housing units by the legal deadline, with the KRG Minister for Housing and Reconstruction replying to MPs' comments and questions.

Parliament passes four bills into law, holds second reading of Tourism Bill
At the Kurdistan Parliament sitting of 22 June 2022, MPs voted four bills into law. They also held the second reading of the Bill on Tourism.