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Deputy Speaker’s News

Deputy Speaker Hawrami visits families of three Peshmerga martyred near Prde

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and MPs on 2 May offered their condolences to the families of three Peshmerga soldiers, Captain Pshtiwan Zrari, Idris Barham and Hemin Yahya Saeed, who lost their lives on 1 May in an ISIS attack near Prde.

Parliament's Presidency condemns in strongest terms ISIS attack on Peshmerga in Prde

This attack reminds us that Erbil and Baghdad must agree on the administration of the Kurdistani areas as soon as possible and find a lasting solution under Article 140 of the Constitution. We believe it is essential that the Global Coalition remain in Kurdistan and Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami expresses best wishes to workers on International Workers Day

This 1st May, International Workers' Day, I congratulate the workers of Kurdistan, Iraq and the world. Workers are the backbone of society, through their tireless work and sacrifices. We support the rights of workers to a decent living, greater prosperity, insurance and pensions at the age of retirement.

Parliament passes Law on Management and Protection of Archeology and Heritage in Kurdistan Region

The Kurdistan Parliament on 28 April passed the Law on Management and Protection of Archeology and Heritage in Kurdistan Region, and held the first reading of amendments to the implementation of the Law on Management of Endowments.

Parliament discusses how to improve services for persons with disabilities and special needs

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 27 April presided over a sitting at which MPs discussed the problems and needs of adults and children with disabilities and special needs, in the presence of KRG Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Kwestan Mohamad.

Parliament’s Presidency expresses condolences for Baghdad hospital fire and explosion

We are saddened and deeply concerned to learn of the fire that broke out at Ibn Khatib Hospital in Baghdad, which caused the deaths and injuries of so many people.

Order of business for sitting of 27 April 2021

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq calls MPs to a sitting on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 11am, the tenth ordinary sitting of the spring session of the third year of the fifth term of Parliament. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Korea's Consul General Choi Kwang-Jin

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Korea's Consul, Mr. Choi Kwang-Jin, on 25 April discussed the latest political, economic, health and security developments and relations between Kurdistan Region and Korea.