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Deputy Speaker’s News

Parliament passes Resolution on Kurdish Journalism Day and Law on Conservation of Water and Wastewater Networks

The Kurdistan Parliament on 21 April passed the Law on Conservation of Water and Wastewater Networks and a Resolution to officially designate a Kurdish Journalism. MPs also continued the second reading of the Bill on Protection of Archeology and Heritage, and voted on several changes to committee memberships.

Parliament Presidency’s statement on 47th anniversary of bombing of Qaladze

The bombing of the university in Qaladze was a violation of international norms and conventions, but the international community was passive because of the economic and political interests of the powers.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami conveys best wishes to journalists on Kurdish Journalism Day

Fake news and using the media to fight proxy wars and to destroy social peace has become a phenomenon of life, and Kurdistan’s journalists should protect themselves from this phenomena. Professional journalists are the first victims of fake news and of those who carry out other work under the guise of journalism that is anything but journalistic work or ethics.

Parliament passes Law on Import and Sale of Oil Products, holds readings of bills and resolution

The Kurdistan Parliament sat on 20 April for readings of several bills and passed the Law on the Import and Sale of Oil Products, with Speaker Faiq presiding over the sitting.

Order of business for sitting 21 April 2021

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq calls MPs to a sitting on Wednesday 21st April 2021 at 12pm, the ninth ordinary sitting of the spring session of the third year of the fifth term of Parliament. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Order of Business for sitting of 20 April 2021

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq calls MPs to a sitting on Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 11am, the eighth ordinary sitting of the spring session of the third year of the fifth term of Parliament. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Parliament calls for better services and compensation for Anfal survivors and families in Garmian and Chamchamal

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 14 April, the 33rd anniversary of the Anfal genocide against the Kurds, presided over a sitting on the situation for Anfal survivors and families in Garmian and Chamchamal and the provision of services for them. MPs made many recommendations, which will be raised with the relevant authorities.

Parliament condemns terrorist drone attack on Coalition base in Erbil International Airport

A special Parliament committee will be appointed to stay in contact with the relevant parties, to investigate the efforts to expose the terrorist sides behind the attack.

Parliament’s Presidency conveys best wishes on Yazidi New Year

With the celebration of Charshama Sur, the Yazidi New Year, we convey our best wishes to Yazidis in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with French diplomatic delegation

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami on 14 April welcomed Mr. Francois De Recofis, Head of the economics departments of the French embassies in the Middle East, with his delegation of economic diplomats and Consul General Olivier Decottignies.