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Deputy Speaker’s News

KRG’s negotiators explain outcome of latest talks with Baghdad to Kurdistan Parliament

Kurdistan Regional Government Deputy Prime Minister Talabani told MPs, "We have agreed with the Iraqi government on the 2021 general budget and 12.67% has been set as the Kurdistan Region's budget," he said. "We are now waiting for the agreement to be passed and implemented in the Iraqi parliament."

KRG negotiating team to explain to Parliament outcome of latest talks with Iraqi Federal Government

On Monday 28 December, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s team for negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government will explain the outcome of their latest talks with Baghdad to the Kurdistan Parliament. Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and the other KRG officials will meet with Parliament’s Presidency, heads of the parliamentary parties and three parliament committees at 11am.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Germany's new Consul General Mr. Klemens Semtner

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Consul General Semtner discussed Kurdistan Parliament's priorities for the next six months, relations with Baghdad, and strengthening ties between Kurdistan's and Germany's parliaments.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Armenia's first Consul General Mr. Arshak Manoukian

Deputy Speaker Dr. Hemin Hawrami and Consul General Arshak Manoukian discussed the shared history of Kurdistan and Armenia since antiquity and their hopes for closer parliamentary, education and commercial ties.

Parliament's Presidency convey best wishes for Yazidi Rojiet Ezi Feast

On this holy occasion, we hope for the safe return of kidnapped and disappeared Yazidis to their families and loved ones, and we hope for the return of Yazidi Kurds to rebuild their ancestral areas, for continued peaceful coexistence and the full restoration of their homeland and nation.

Parliament Presidency's statement on Kurdistan Flag Day

On the day that we celebrate our beloved flag of Kurdistan, we congratulate all the people of Kurdistan and the followers of the way of our flag. Our flag is a symbol of sacrifice and everlasting prosperity. To keep our flag flying high we must not be discouraged by any sacrifice.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami conveys condolences on passing of veteran Peshmerga Mustafa Nerwayi

I am very saddened to learn of the passing of Mustafa Nerwayi, the veteran Peshmerga and activist. He was an old veteran Peshmerga of the two great revolutions of Aylul and Gulan...

Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Netherlands new Consul General Hans Akerboom

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 December welcomed Hans Akerboom, the Netherlands’ new Consul General in Kurdistan Region. The Deputy Speaker gave an overview of Parliament, the latest political and economic situation, and the negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami at meeting to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities: "Parliament will work to amend the law"

2 December- To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Kurdistan Parliament held a special meeting with the participation of Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, Ideal NGO for persons with disabilities, and government officials. 

Parliament holds first reading of bills on education and private universities; discusses salaries problem

Parliament on 30 November held the first readings of the Bill on Education and Study, and of the first amendments to the Law on Private Universities. MPs called for discussion about the public salaries crisis, and the majority voted to hold a separate sitting on the issue in the presence of the KRG’s negotiating team for the outstanding issues with Baghdad.