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Deputy Speaker’s News

Parliament's Presidency meets Minister Falah Mustafa, KRG’s Head of Foreign Relations

Parliament's Presidency on 19th May held meetings with Minister Falah Mustafa. They discussed the importance of concrete relations between Kurdistan Region, its neighbours and other countries to serve Kurdistan’s interests. They also looked at ways to strengthen the Kurdistan Parliament's links with other parliaments. 

Parliament’s Presidency congratulates teachers on anniversary of Kurdistan Teachers Union

As well as your duty to educate and develop future generations, teachers in Kurdistan have had an additional responsibility, of teaching your students to value their nation and to serve their country...More recently, during the war against ISIS and through the ensuing financial crisis, teachers continued to teach their students to value peaceful coexistence.

27th Anniversary of Kurdistan's Democratic Elections

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament warmly congratulates the people of Kurdistan on this occasion, which heralded a new era of freedom for Kurdistan...On that day, we laid the foundations of statehood and established the separation of powers.

Parliament’s Presidency congratulates Yazidi Lalish Centre on 26th anniversary

On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Lalish Cultural and Social Centre, we congratulate the centre and all of the staff on your achievements.

Gallery: Kurdistan Parliament hosts Memories of Sand art exhibition by Ali Raza

The Kurdistan Parliament from 10th April hosted a three-week exhibition of art by Ali Raza, called Memory of the Sand. 

Parliament's Presidency and MPs were given a tour of the exhibits by Mr. Raza. Many visitors to Parliament had the opportunity to see the art works which were displayed in the main entrance hall of the building. View the gallery...

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets Mr Burhan Kayaturk, former MP of Turkey’s National Assembly

29 April - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday met Mr. Burhan Kayaturk, former MP for Van in Turkey’s Grand National Assembly. Mr Hawrami and Mr Kayaturk discussed ways of strengthening relations between their respective countries’ parliaments.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes Ambassador Peter Galbraith

30th April 2019 - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today welcomed Ambassador Peter W Galbraith, a long-time friend and advocate for the people of Kurdistan. 

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets Global Samaritan Resources humanitarian NGO

25 April 2019 – Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami today met Global Samaritan Resources , a US humanitarian NGO that has partnered with the Barzani Charity Foundation to help refugees and IDPs in the Kurdistan Region.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Heartland Alliance discuss continued cooperation on Kurdistan Parliament’s work

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 23 April met Heartland Alliance International, to discuss continued work with the Kurdistan Parliament to share knowledge and expertise.

Parliament's presidency congratulate journalists on Kurdish Press Day

16th21 April, 2019 - Parliament's presidency today congratulated journalists in the Kurdistan Region on the 121st anniversary of the Kurdish press. In their message on the anniversary, the presidency said the Kurdistan Region has made progress in promoting and supporting a free press, through the Press Law enacted by the Parliament. “The free press in the Region reflects the reality and experiences of the Region” the statement read.