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Parliament Speaker’s News

Speaker Faiq: "The Kurdish movement's important achievements stem from the Peshmerga veterans' era of struggle and resistance"

Speaker Faiq and MPs met with the Council of Peshmerga Veterans of Kurdistan, led by Jamil Hawrami, and pledged to support their demands.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq meets with Greece’s Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos

Speaker Faiq said to the outgoing Consul General, "We commend you for successfully carrying out your duties, and unfortunately the current situation [of the Coronavirus pandemic] prevented you from doing more."

Speaker Rewaz Faiq on Kurdistani Nwe newspaper's 29th anniversary: 'A proud and unique achievement in Kurdish journalism'

"Kurdistani Nwe freely mines political thought and literary genres with colour and diversity, covering many topics and aspects of exemplifies the established heavyweight press, and adheres to journalism’s norms and responsibilities. I hope that it will continue on this path.

MPs pass Law on Sale and Lease of Public Assets in Kurdistan Region

The Law sets out proper conduct and policies that the authorities must follow when selling or leasing public assets and properties, to ensure full transparency, clarity and justice in the public's interest.

Parliament confirms Dr. Kamal Abdulhamid Atroshi as KRG Minister of Natural Resources

At an extraordinary sitting of the Kurdistan Parliament on 6 January during the winter recess, MPs entrusted Dr. Kamal Abdulhamid Atroshi with the post of KRG Minister of Natural Resources, with 81 out of the 101 present members voting in favour of appointing him.

Order of Business for extraordinary sitting of 6 January 2021

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to the first extraordinary sitting of the third year of the fifth term of the Kurdistan Parliament on Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 11am. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Speaker Rewaz Faiq announces end of autumn session of Parliament

Per articles 7 and 18 of the Internal Rules of Procedure of Parliament, I announce the end of the autumn session of the second year of the fifth term of the Kurdistan Parliament.

Parliament Presidency's message for the New Year 2021

We wish the people of Kurdistan and all the people of Iraq a Happy New Year. We hope that in the New Year our region will enjoy peace and harmony, and that this year we will overcome the crises, strengthen trust between citizens and the Constitutional institutions, and protect and develop the Kurdistan Region’s Constitutional status, which is the result of the sacrifices made by the people of Kurdistan.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq meets with Kurdistan Pharmacists Syndicate

Speaker Rewaz Faiq said, “Food and medicine safety is one of the most important national issues for Kurdistan and is a matter of national the Kurdistan Parliament we insist that medicine should be properly controlled and supervised by the relevant health institutions.”

Parliament’s Presidency convey condolences on passing of Kaka Rash Naqshbandi

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Kaka Rash Naqshbandi, the prominent former MP of the Kurdistan Parliament from the city of Erbil.