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Parliament Speaker’s News

Speaker Faiq conveys best wishes to Kurdsat television channel on 21st anniversary

Kurdsat is unique in showing the beauty of Kurdish society, serving all of the public from every walk of life, refusing to do away with respectful journalism, and in showing the Kurds’ unique culture and features.

KRG negotiating team to explain to Parliament outcome of latest talks with Iraqi Federal Government

On Monday 28 December, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s team for negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government will explain the outcome of their latest talks with Baghdad to the Kurdistan Parliament. Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani and the other KRG officials will meet with Parliament’s Presidency, heads of the parliamentary parties and three parliament committees at 11am.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Kurdistan Platform for National Issues

Speaker Faiq said to Dr. Avesta Kamal and her colleagues from Kurdistan Platform for National Issues, "Kurdistan and Iraq are currently going through a period of instability. The people of Kurdistan and Iraq are living anxiously with this instability, and its impact must be taken into account.”  

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Minister Safeen Dizayee, Head of KRG Department of Foreign Relations

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 15 December welcomed Minister Safeen Dizayee, the Head of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations, and his staff.

Parliament's Presidency convey best wishes for Yazidi Rojiet Ezi Feast

On this holy occasion, we hope for the safe return of kidnapped and disappeared Yazidis to their families and loved ones, and we hope for the return of Yazidi Kurds to rebuild their ancestral areas, for continued peaceful coexistence and the full restoration of their homeland and nation.

Parliament Presidency's statement on Kurdistan Flag Day

On the day that we celebrate our beloved flag of Kurdistan, we congratulate all the people of Kurdistan and the followers of the way of our flag. Our flag is a symbol of sacrifice and everlasting prosperity. To keep our flag flying high we must not be discouraged by any sacrifice.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Mam Saaed Sofi, father of Haval Saeed Sofi

We heard with great sadness of the passing of Mam Saeed Sofi, the father of Haval Burhan Saeed Sofi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).

Speaker Faiq welcomes Armenia’s Consul General Arshak Manoukian

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 9 December welcomed Armenia’s first ever Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Arshak Manoukian, and discussed the common ground on which the people of Kurdistan and Armenia can strengthen their relations.

Speaker Faiq welcomes National Democratic Institute’s new Iraq director Steve Driehaus

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 9 December welcomed Steve Driehaus, the National Democratic Institute’s (NDI) new resident senior director for Iraq. Speaker Faiq said, "International organizations, especially those supporting parliamentary work, have played a significant role in building Parliament’s capacity."

KRG’s negotiating team with Baghdad gives report to Kurdistan Parliament

The Kurdistan Parliament on 3 December received a report by the KRG’s negotiating team with Baghdad on the results of the negotiations with the Iraqi federal government. The report will be directed to the relevant Parliament committees and MPs and also will be presented to the public.