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Parliament Speaker’s News

POSTPONED: Order of Business for sitting of 17 November 2020: Iraq's federal Fiscal Deficit Coverage Law

POSTPONED: The Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament has decided to postpone the tenth ordinary sitting scheduled for 17th November, until further notice. The original order of business of the postponed sitting was the following:

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Ahmet Karamus, Co-President of Kurdistan National Congress

14 November- The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomed Ahmet Karamus, Co-President of the Kurdistan National Congress, and his delegation.

Speaker Rewaz Faiq’s message on Slemani city's 236th birthday

Since its founding, Slemani has been the city of political and literary revolution and inspiration, the leader of development and renewal of the Kurdistani community, the creator and engine of revolutions, uprisings and political movements, with the venerated identity of a city that throughout its history has symbolized and been the stage for resistance against invaders. 

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Qadri Haji Ali

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 11 November conveyed her condolences on the passing of Qadri Haji Ali, former member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s (PUK) political bureau and co-founder of the Gorran Movement (Change), in the following message:

Kurdistan Parliament Presidency’s statement on passage of Fiscal Deficit Coverage Law in the Iraqi Council of Representatives

12 November - We view with deep concern the latest actions of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which disregard the values of coexistence and co-operation and the principle of federalism established by the Iraqi Constitution, in passing a law on the morning of 12 November 2020 that violates the rights of the people of Kurdistan.

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq congratulates Kurdistan Women’s Union on 31st anniversary

From its very beginnings, the Kurdistan Women’s Union had a different perspective, demanded women's rights and reflected the will of strong women. History shows that Kurdistan Women’s Union played an important role in supporting many women leaders and political and social activists.

Parliament Presidency’s condolences on passing of Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Muhammad Zain Abidain Khorasani

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 5 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Muhammad Zain Abidain Khorasani, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first ever term and had served as the vice-chair of Parliament’s Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee:

Speaker Faiq’s statement on protecting our national achievements and unity

The Kurdistan Parliament, as a legitimate constitutional institution represents the will of the Kurdish people and is their political reference, and considers any kind of intra-Kurdish conflict a crime against the highest interests of the people and the land of Kurdistan. Dialogue is the main path to easing tensions and avoiding the possibility of fratricidal war.

Parliament Presidency’s condolences on passing of Jamil Abdi Sindi

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 4 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Jamil Abdi Sindi, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term, in the following message:

Parliament Presidency’s condolences to head of KDP Parliamentary Block Omed Khoshnaw

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 3 November conveyed their condolences to Omed Khoshnaw, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) parliamentary block, on the passing of his mother, in the following message: