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Parliament Speaker’s News

Parliament Presidency’s condolences on passing of former MP Mala Fatih Hama Amin Beg

Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency on 1 November conveyed their condolences on the passing of Mala Fatih Hama Amin Beg, who was a MP in Kurdistan Parliament’s first term,

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim

"I received the sad news of the passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim, the well-known politician whose life’s work and cause was the rights of our people. As the Governor of Kirkuk, under his administration Kirkuk enjoyed a golden period of security and urban development."

Speaker Faiq on Prophet Muhammad’s birthday: “I hope this occasion will deepen spirit of tolerance and coexistence among all religions”

"We hope that this occasion is an opportunity to deepen the spirit of forgiveness and peaceful coexistence between Muslims and other religions and to end extremism, sectarianism, conflict, and defamation."

Eighty-one MPs vote to end interpellation of KRG PM, Deputy PM and Finance Minister, reject call for motion of no confidence

The Kurdistan Parliament on 27 October sat for first readings of two bills on water, and MPs in the opposition further questioned in absentia the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister on cuts to government employees’ salaries. The opposition MPs’ bid to move to a motion of no confidence was rejected, with 81 of 91 present MPs voting that they were convinced by the Government’s answers and to end the questioning.

Speaker Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Kaka Mam Botani

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 25 October expressed her condolences on the passing of Kaka Mam Botani, the head of the Kurdish Writers Union, to his family and relatives, the Kurdish Writers Union and intellectuals of Kurdistan, in the following message:

Order of Business for sitting of 27 October 2020

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to a sitting on Monday 27th October 2020 at 2pm – the ninth ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the second year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Deputy Speaker Hawrami conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz

“Shafiq Qazzaz at all stages of his life was on the side of the revolution, defended the rights of the people of Kurdistan, and gave his services to writing and culture.”

Speaker Faiq conveys condolences on passing of Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 23 October conveyed her condolences on the passing of Dr. Shafiq Qazzaz:

Speaker Faiq welcomes India’s Ambassador to Iraq Birender Singh Yadav

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 19 October welcomed India’s Ambassador to Iraq, Birender Singh Yadav, and the Consul General in Kurdistan Region Subhash Chandra Kain.

Parliament Speaker Rewas Faiq and Women’s Rights Committee convey condolences on passing of Mahabad Qaradaghi

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and the Protection of Women’s Rights Committee on 9 October expressed their condolences on passing of Mahabad Qaradaghi, a Kurdish women’s rights activist, poet and author, in the following messages: