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Parliament Speaker’s News

Kurdistan Parliament commends Iraq supreme court ruling on violations in Iraq Provincial Election Law

Speaker Rewas Faiq on 13 November chaired a sitting of the Kurdistan Parliament at which four bills had their first readings, and MPs voted on the redistribution of committee memberships, following the creation of four new committees. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP) discussed the successful court case overturning amendments to the Iraqi Provincial Elections Law and the danger of amendments to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution. Karwan Gazneyi (PUK) discussed smuggling of oil and oil products, and called for transparency in oil revenue and the Erbil-Baghdad disagreements on it.

Speaker Rewas Faiq meets with Institute for International Law and Human Rights

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 11 November met with the Institute for International Law and Human Rights, a legislation capacity-building consultancy based in the US. They discussed support for the process of drafting legislation, and for Parliament's administration. 

Order of business for 13 November: Committee membership, reading four bills, two MPs present ideas

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Wednesday 13th November at 11am - the seventh sitting of the autumn session of the first year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term:

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq tells Deputy Special Representative Alice Walpole: UN must help protect constitutional rights of regions and components

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 7 November welcomed the UNSG’s Deputy Special Representative in Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance, Alice Walpole.

Parliament’s Presidency conveys best wishes to Muslims on Mawlood, the Prophet's birthday

On the occasion of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament congratulated Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq and around the world, in the following statement:

Speaker Rewas Faiq holds meeting with Kurdistan Region President and Prime Minister on current situation in Iraq

To discuss the current uncertain political situation in Iraq and in the Middle East and its impact on the Kurdistan Region, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani on 5 November chaired a meeting of the three presidencies of the Kurdistan Region. Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, Secretary Muna Kahveci and several other officials participated in the meeting.

Statement on meeting of Iraqi President with Kurdistan's three presidencies and political parties

Statement on the 5th November meeting of the Iraqi President Barham Salih, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Rewaz Faiq, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Secretary Muna Kahveci, and the representatives of political parties, on the current political situation in Iraq and its impact on the Kurdistan Region:

Speaker Faiq: We ask Kurdistan Bar Association to use your talents in service of society

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq on 31 October at the Sixth Conference of the Kurdistan Bar Association called on lawyers to support Kurdistan Parliament’s legislative work and help identify deficiencies in the laws. She also warned of recent attempts in Iraq to undermine the constitutional powers of Kurdistan’s institutions.

Parliament passes Law on Ownership of Illegally Used Land in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities

MPs on 30 October voted in a law gthat allows people who illegally used or built on land in Kurdistan Region's municipalities to buy the land from the government and register it in their names. 100 MPs voted in favour of the bill as a whole, out of 111 members. At the sitting two other bills had their first readings, and Speaker Rewas Faiq asked the relevant committees to work on them: a bill on patients’ rights and responsibilities; and a bill on commercial advertising.

Speaker Rewas Faiq receives Palestinian Consul General, Ambassador Nazmi Hazouri

The Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr Rewas Faiq on 29 October welcomed the Palestinian Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Ambassador Nazmi Hazouri. Speaker Faiq said that ties between the people of Palestine and Kurdistan go back decades. She expressed her concern over the reactions of some Palestinian civil activists regarding the events taking place in Western Kurdistan (Rojava).