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Parliament Speaker’s News

Kurdistan Parliament MPs vote in 12 recommendations on the situation in Rojava, Western Kurdistan

The Kurdistan Parliament on 15 October held a sitting to call for an immediate halt to the military attacks on Rojava, Western Kurdistan. The head of each parliamentary block asked that the military attacks stop immediately and all were deeply concerned for civilians, the humanitarian situation, the threat to security and stability, and the revival of ISIS and other terrorist groups. Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq read the 12 recommendations agreed by the parliamentary blocks, which were passed by an overwhelming majority of MPs, 96 out of 97 present. 

Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq chairs meeting of heads of Parliament’s political blocs to prepare for sitting on Turkey’s military attacks against Rojava

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 14 October chaired a meeting of the heads of the parliamentary blocks to prepare for the sitting the next day on Turkey’s military attacks on Rojava, Western Kurdistan and the resulting civilian lives lost and the humanitarian crisis. 

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq supervises Legal Affairs Committee meeting on bill on illegally occupied and taken land in municipalities

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 14 October supervised a meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee to discuss preparations for the second reading of the bill which grants the right of ownership to those citizens who took or used land illegally and built houses on them.

Order of business for 15 October: MPs will discuss current situation and events in Rojava – Western Kurdistan

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Tuesday 15th October at 11am: The parties in the Kurdistan Parliament will give their views and observations on the current situation and events in Rojava (Western Kurdistan).

Kurdistan Parliament pays last respects to former MP Ahang Aref

The Kurdistan Parliament on 11 October held the funeral ceremony for Ahang Aref, the former MP of the Kurdistan Parliament. The ceremony was attended by Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, former Speaker of the second term Mr. Adnan Mufty, the heads of the parliamentary blocks, and current and former MPs.

Statement by Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament on Turkey's military campaign on Western Kurdistan

In a statement issued on 9th October, the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament called on Turkey to halt its military campaign in Western Kurdistan that exposes civilians to shelling and bombardments, and expressed their grave concern over its impact on Kurdish areas. Parliament’s Presidency demanded that the military campaign be ended immediately and that problems between both sides be resolved through dialogue.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets with Kuwait’s Consul General Omar Al-Kanderi

Kurdistan Parliament’s Speaker Dr. Rewaz Faiq on 9 October welcomed Mr. Omar Ahmad Al-Kanderi, Kuwait’s Consul General to the Kurdistan Region. Dr. Faiq briefed the Consul on the political situation in Kurdistan Region and the recent political crisis in Iraq following demonstrations in Baghdad.

Kurdistan Parliament’s presidency convey condolences on passing of former MP, Mrs. Ahang Aref

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 October wrote to the family of Mrs. Ahang Aref, a former MP, to express their condolences on her passing. Mrs. Aref served in the Kurdistan Parliament’s Third Term, from 2009 to 2012.

Parliament’s Presidency express condolences on passing of Dr. Izzaddin Mustafa Rasoul

Kurdistan has lost a great academic, historian and researcher of Kurdish literature and history. Our sincere condolences go out to Dr. Izzadin’s family and friends, and to the intellectual community in Kurdistan. He was one of our finest.

Presidency of Parliament convey best wishes to Yazidis on the Jamayi festival

On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, we convey our best wishes to the Mir, to the spiritual and religious community and to all the Yazidi Kurds in Kurdistan Region, Iraq and around the world on the holy Jamayi festival.