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Parliament Speaker’s News

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker calls MPs to sitting on 25th September, 11am

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq calls all Members of Parliament to an ordinary sitting on Wednesday 25th September, at 11am. Parliament's Presidency will announce the order of business for the sitting soon.

Speaker Rewas Faiq and Kurdistan Social Democratic Party Secretary Hama Haji Mahmoud discuss legislative priorities

On 22 September Mr. Hama Haji Mahmoud, the Secretary of the Kurdistan Socialist Democratic Party together with several members congratulated Dr. Rewas Faiq and Mr. Hemin Hawrami on their election to the Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets Speaker of Iraq's Council of Representatives Muhammad Halbousi

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 19 September received the President of Iraq's Council of Representatives, Mr. Muhammad Halbousi, at Erbil International Airport. Speaker Faiq stressed the need for a strong relationship between the two parliaments, and asked Mr. Halbousi to play a positive role by supporting the rights of the Kurdistani people in the Iraq 2020 budget, and to foster mutual understanding between all Iraqis. 

Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Iraq’s President Barham Salih to Kurdistan Parliament

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 18 September welcomed the President of Iraq Dr. Barham Salih to the Kurdistan Parliament.  as part of his visit to the Kurdistan Region. Speaker Faiq asked President Salih to help the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi Government in their current negotiations to reach a final agreement on outstanding issues. President Salih said, “It is the Constitution that brings us together to create mutual understanding between all Iraqis, and to reach agreement.  The only choice that we have is dialogue, agreement and mutal understanding.”

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq meets with Germany's Consul General Barbara Wolf

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 18 September met Germany's Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Ms. Barbara Wolf. The Speaker thanked Germany for their support in the war against ISIS, in particular in terms of logistical and financial support and training for the Peshmerga forces.

Parliament’s Presidency remembers victims of Surya village massacre on 50th anniversary

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament on 16 September issued the following statement on the 50th anniversary of the massacre in Surya village in the Bahdinan area of Kurdistan: Fifty years ago in 1969, Iraq’s Ba’ath regime massacred thousands of innocent Assyrian, Chaldean, Kurdish and Muslim men, women and children in the village of Surya. The first victim of the tragedy was the priest Hana Qasha, who was executed by the Iraqi officer Abdul Karim Al-Jihayshi.

At first autumn sitting MPs propose seven bills, Deputy Speaker presents outcome of MPs' visit to Baghdad

The Kurdistan Parliament on 17 September held the first sitting of the autumn session. At the sitting Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq asked committees to work on six bills, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami reported on Parliament’s visit to Baghdad and the mechanisms that Parliament has established to increase coordination between the Kurdistan Parliament and the Iraqi Council of Representatives (ICOR), in particular its Kurdistani blocks. MP Mr. Hevidar Ahmad (KDP) presented information and statistics regarding Kurdistan Region’s population numbers.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and US Consul General Steven Fagin discuss Erbil-Baghdad relations

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq on 16 September met with the US Consul General in Kurdistan Region, Mr. Steven Fagin. They discussed Parliament’s priorities, including achieving national consensus on drafting a Kurdistan Constitution, carrying out reforms and unifying the Peshmerga forces.

Parliament’s Presidency ask five Turkmen political parties to support key policies in national interest

Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq, Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami and Secretary Muna Kahveci on 16 September met with five Turkmen political parties and asked them to support policies that are critical to Kurdistan’s national interests.

Parliament’s Presidency holds meeting with Kurdistan Regional Judicial Council

Dr. Rewas Faiq the Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament, Hemin Hawramy the Deputy Speaker and Muna Kahveci the Secretary, and several members of Parliament’s Legislative Committee welcomed Judge Bangen, the Chair of the Judicial Council, the Deputy Chair and several of its members.