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Parliament Speaker’s News

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani congratulates Dr. Rewas Faiq on election as Parliament Speaker

On the occasion of your election as Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, I extend my warm congratulations to you and wish you success in this national duty, and hope that the relations between the legislative and executive authorities will be strong to act together, to provide the best service to the citizens of Kurdistan, and to develop the democratic process in the region.

President Nechirvan Barzani congratulates new Speaker of Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq

"I hope that through your parliamentary experience and cooperation with all the parliamentary blocs that greater service will be given to the Kurdistan Region now and in the future." 

Dr. Rewas Faiq's speech on her election as Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

"I have taken on a great new responsibility. I would like to thank you, all the parliamentary blocks and the people of Kurdistan for the trust that you have placed in me. Let me assure you that, together with my colleagues on Parliament’s Presidency board, we will make every effort to support peaceful coexistence and to work in the spirit of partnership to overcome the political, economic and financial crises that the Kurdistan Region faced over the past years and that caused tensions between political blocs and parties."

Parliament Speaker and Secretary congratulate Kurdistan Region’s top high school student of 2019

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed and Secretary Muna Kahveci welcomed to Parliament Mansour Qadir, Kurdistan Region’s top student in this year’s 12th grade high school exams.

MPs elect Dr. Rewas Faiq Hussein new Speaker of Parliament

MPs on 11th July elected Dr. Rewas Faiq Hussein (PUK) as the new Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament. Dr. Faiq in her speech said that Parliament’s Presidency works for and is the umbrella for all the parliamentary parties, and that the Kurdistan Region needs financial and budgetary reform, transparency and measures to tackle corruption. Four new MPs were sworn in, and MPs had the first reading of a resolution on designating 3rd August 2014 as Yazidi Genocide remembrance day. 

Order of business for sitting of 11 July 2019: Election of new Parliament Speaker

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of 11th July 2019 at 11am: Election of a new Speaker of Parliament; four new MPs to take the place of MPs who became ministers; and draft resolution on designating Yazidi Genocide Remembrance Day

New Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and his cabinet win MPs’ vote of confidence, take oath of office

The Kurdistan Parliament today 10th July voted on giving confidence to the new Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, and his ministerial nominees. He garnered the support of 88 MPs (of a total of 111), and each of his ministerial candidates won votes of confidence by large majorities. Prime Minister Barzani announced his cabinet’s programme, which he said was conceived and drafted by all the parties in the government coalition. He said that this cabinet will focus on reform and improving services to the people. Read more, see photo gallery and video. 

Parliament Presidency announces business for sitting on 6th July, 11am

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the fifth term’s tenth normal sitting on Saturday 6th July 2019, at 11am:

1) Bill on human capacity building in the Kurdistan Region

2) Bill on registering illegally occupied/taken land in the Kurdistan Region municipalities

3) Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2009 on the Kurdistan Region governorates. 

Kurdistan’s Provincial Councils ask Parliament for legislative amendments

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed on 2nd July chaired a meeting with the leadership of Erbil, Slemani and Duhok provincial councils, who requested amendments to legislation governing their work and terms of office.

Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed meets Assyrian Democratic Movement delegation

Today 2nd of June 2019, Dr. Fareed meets a delegation from the Assyrian Democratic Movement, led by Deputy Secretary Yaqub Gorgis. Speaker Fareed welcomed the delegation and said that the peaceful coexistence between the different ethnic and religious communities in Kurdistan Region is underwritten by legislation.