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Parliament Speaker’s News

President Nechirvan Barzani takes oath of office at Kurdistan Parliament's Presidential inauguration ceremony

6th June 2019 – The Kurdistan Parliament today held the inauguration of the new President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Idris Mustafa Barzani. Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed presided at the historic ceremony where President Barzani took his oath of office before MPs and hundreds of dignitaries and guests.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament wishes Muslims Happy Eid & issues statement on 27th anniversary of first Parliament sitting

On the occasion of the Eid of Ramadan, which this year coincides with the 27th anniversary of the Kurdistan Parliament’s first sitting on 4th June 1992, the Presidency of Parliament send our best wishes to Muslims in Kurdistan, Iraq and around the world. We hope that this Eid brings joy to all.

Statement by Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament on Kirkuk explosions

31st May 2019 - The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament condemns the explosions in Kirkuk carried out on the night of 30th May, calls for all the ethnicities of Kirkuk to be included in the security of the city, and calls for coordination between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army. The Presidency issued the following statement:

Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Fareed meets High Council of Women’s Affairs

28th May 2019 - Dr. Vala Fareed, Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, yesterday welcomed the President of High Council of Women’s Affairs and her delegation. They discussed Yazidi women and girls living in IDP camps, and how to secure justice and compensation for the crimes of humanity that were committed against them.

Head of Kurdistan's mine clearance agency asks for equal rights for demining personnel

Parliament's Presidency on 19th May met Mr. Siraj Barzani, the Head of the Iraqi Kurdistan Mine Action Agency. Mr. Barzani submitted a request to the Presidency to give equal rights to Kurdistan’s mine clearance personnel through legislation.

Parliament's Presidency meets Minister Falah Mustafa, KRG’s Head of Foreign Relations

Parliament's Presidency on 19th May held meetings with Minister Falah Mustafa. They discussed the importance of concrete relations between Kurdistan Region, its neighbours and other countries to serve Kurdistan’s interests. They also looked at ways to strengthen the Kurdistan Parliament's links with other parliaments. 

Parliament’s Presidency congratulates teachers on anniversary of Kurdistan Teachers Union

As well as your duty to educate and develop future generations, teachers in Kurdistan have had an additional responsibility, of teaching your students to value their nation and to serve their country...More recently, during the war against ISIS and through the ensuing financial crisis, teachers continued to teach their students to value peaceful coexistence.

27th Anniversary of Kurdistan's Democratic Elections

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament warmly congratulates the people of Kurdistan on this occasion, which heralded a new era of freedom for Kurdistan...On that day, we laid the foundations of statehood and established the separation of powers.

Parliament’s Presidency congratulates Yazidi Lalish Centre on 26th anniversary

On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Lalish Cultural and Social Centre, we congratulate the centre and all of the staff on your achievements.

Speaker Dr. Vala Farid and Norway’s Foreign Ministry Official Mr. Knut Lein discuss Norway conference on Yazidi Genocide

5nd May 2019  – Parliament Speaker Dr. Vala Farid on 2nd May met a delegation from the Foreign Ministry of Norway, led by the ministry’s Special Representative Mr. Knut Lein, and Ms. Tone Allers, Norway’s Ambassador to Jordan and Iraq.  Mr. Lein informed the Speaker that Norway aims to hold a conference regarding the Genocide against the Yazidi people.