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Sittings & Legislation News

KRG’s negotiators explain outcome of latest talks with Baghdad to Kurdistan Parliament

Kurdistan Regional Government Deputy Prime Minister Talabani told MPs, "We have agreed with the Iraqi government on the 2021 general budget and 12.67% has been set as the Kurdistan Region's budget," he said. "We are now waiting for the agreement to be passed and implemented in the Iraqi parliament."

Law on Illegally Taken or Used Land in Kurdistan Region’s Municipalities to be amended

Mayors, municipal authorities and the Municipalities Ministry told Parliament's Municipalities Committee that there are problems and obstacles to implementing the law and suggested that Parliament amend some articles so that the legislation better serves the public.

Finance Committee and KRG discuss Government's report on implementation of Reform Law

The committee met with Dr. Abdulhakim Khasro, the Secretary of the High Committee on Reforms, and Hiwa Afandi, the Head of KRG Department of Information Technology, to discuss the KRG’s report that was submitted to the committee on the steps taken so far to implement the law.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami at meeting to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities: "Parliament will work to amend the law"

2 December- To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Kurdistan Parliament held a special meeting with the participation of Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami, Parliament's Social Affairs Committee, Ideal NGO for persons with disabilities, and government officials. 

Parliament holds first reading of bills on education and private universities; discusses salaries problem

Parliament on 30 November held the first readings of the Bill on Education and Study, and of the first amendments to the Law on Private Universities. MPs called for discussion about the public salaries crisis, and the majority voted to hold a separate sitting on the issue in the presence of the KRG’s negotiating team for the outstanding issues with Baghdad.

Order of Business for Sitting of 30 November 2020

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to a sitting on Monday 30th November 2020 at 11am, the 11th ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the second year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows:

Committees’ recent meetings – 28 November 2020

Committees plan to hold meetings to discuss establishing a food and medicines authority; and to look into the practice of buying foreign nationality from small island countries. The government is expected to give Parliament a bill to recognize as genocide ISIS's crimes in Kurdistani areas

Parliament holds second reading of Bill on Sale and Lease of Public Assets

Kurdistan Parliament held the second reading of the Bill on Sale and Lease of Public Assets in Kurdistan Region. The Presidency decided to close an ad hoc committee's investigation into an MPs' allegation of threats, due to lack of evidence. Speaker Faiq called for amendments to address shortcomings in the Law on Combating Violence Against Women, and commended campaigners for their bravery and perseverance on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Committees’ recent meetings – 26 November 2020

The Women's Rights committee will work on amending the law on combating violence against women. Committees are looking into allegations of a corrupt contract at the Ministry of Municipalities and Tourism with two companies; assessed the KRG's report on implementation of the Reform Law, and discussed the current Coronavirus situation with the Health Minister. 

Order of Business for sitting of 25th November 2020

The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament calls MPs to a sitting on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 11am, the tenth ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the second year of Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term. The Presidency of Parliament announces the order of business of the sitting as follows: