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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes students and faculty of Duhok’s Nawroz University

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami welcomes students and faculty of Duhok’s Nawroz University

4 April 2019 - Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami yesterday met students and lecturers from the International Relations Department of Duhok’s Nawroz University. Mr. Hawrami briefed them on Parliament’s role and its responsibilities of debating, enacting legislation and scrutinizing the government.

He said that parliament cherishes the political participation of all of Kurdistan’s ethnic and religious communities. Christians, Turkmen and Armenians MPs, who together have 11 of the 111 seats reserved for them, participate in the law-making and scrutiny process. The Deputy Speaker said parliament should propose bills that will have a lasting, sustainable benefit for people’s daily lives, should make every effort to reform key areas, and should make progress on the draft Kurdistan Region Constitution.